you faggots are hitting the rocks early today
you level of crazy is unparalleled in this place
the shithouse rats look sane
love yall except for the groids fuck yall underdeveloped brains
you faggots are hitting the rocks early today
you level of crazy is unparalleled in this place
the shithouse rats look sane
love yall except for the groids fuck yall underdeveloped brains
if you apply think mirror to what cue says then that means we are fucked and its getting worse but no why would you apply polarization to hogwash.
yes ingesting microscopic amounts of pure gold in powdered form MIGHT be beneficial to one's health.
all lazy overprilvelidged undereducated groids being overpayed to play a goddamn childrens game is part of the cancer destroying our country. we are a country of workers except for 13%
dont foget to check your trannies dipstick also give it a smell to see if it is burnt up
look into expired epipens that pink the faggots call it thats a rabbit hole if i ever seen it
bismuth is good for the belly hence pepto bismuth
yep too bad we cant put the froid back in the box so to speak. kek once aware, always aware.
keep on keepin anon.
here a taste