More of these need to be made! Variety!
Well done Anon
Help the black conservatives grow
I think Bannon, Gorka, some intel Patriots, Trump, Gilfoyle, Melania and others all talked about this in many meetings once the idea of Q was created
I know I’m extremely paranoid but extremely hip (gay word) but my leadership has always been proven
The minute I heard of Q in October of 2017, and saw the dipshits funeral with Matt is and Kelly, I was like holy shit this is Genius
Q was the mind fuck against the Dems that they couldn’t stop, it’s the knight in the Chessboard who is the only piece that doesn’t get restricted by pieces in front or behind it
When you create a idea and then allow great minds to talk about it to create the plan, everything just ROLLS OUT
We need more Garvey Memes
When you feel like shit and need motivation
Go see 1917
You might be alone in life sometimes after losing your only friend but finishing the mission is worth it
Man with all the Jewish hate here this is hard to trust when I’m not a book history guy.
I need to be cautious this is a trap, I will dig this first because Many use Garvey to flip his true message that he is AGAINST COMMUNISM
this looks more like blaming ethnic groups at first