Anonymous ID: 1a2b5f Jan. 18, 2020, 8:20 a.m. No.7846404   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6571

C_A: Undermining and Nazifying Ukraine Since 1953


  • Since ’53, C_A operated 2 programs to destabilize/Nazify Ukraine


  • Spanned ~4 decades


  • Started as paramilitary op


  • Project AERODYNAMIC = early C_A op to destabilize using exile Ukrainian agents in the West who were infiltrated into Soviet Ukraine, “…provide for the exploitation and expansion of the anti-Soviet Ukrainian resistance for cold war and hot war purposes” (incl work w/ UkroNeoNazis)


  • Most Ukro agents trained in W Germany @ US Army Foreign Political & Psychological Branch


  • In ’59, due 2 lg Ukro-CAN pop (think Chrystia Freeland today), Canadian INTEL (oxymoron) began its AERODYNAMIC-like program REDSKIN


  • Affiliated w/ Project CAPACHO


  • Program took on more of a PSYOPs aspect – progaganda, smuggled literature, etc.


  • Clown front company Prolog Research & Publishing Inc. (codename AETENURE), “Prolog” magazine in Ukranian.


  • Prolog funded by still classified “cooperating bank”


  • 1967 via merger, gets Munich office (Bavaria, Nazi homeland)


  • C_A agents in charge of AERODYNAMIC in New York and Munich were codenamed AECASSOWARY agents


  • In ‘68, C_A replaces Prolog Research and Publishing Associates w/ 4-profit Prolog Research Corporation


  • AERODYNAMIC continued into ‘80s as QRDYNAMIC, Ops expanded to London, Paris, and Tokyo.


  • QRDYNAMIC links up w/ GEORGE SOROS, esp Helsinki Watch Group


  • “QRDYNAMIC expanded its operations into China, obviously from the Tokyo office, and Czechoslovakia, Poland, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Soviet Central Asia, the Soviet Pacific Maritime region, and among Ukrainian-Canadians. QRDYNAMIC also paid journalist agents-of-influence for their articles. These journalists were located in Sweden, Switzerland, Australia, Israel, and Austria.”


  • Maiden of Maidan Vicki Spoopland lies to Congress and says US only spent $5B to wrest control of Ukraine from muh Russian influence.



Anonymous ID: 1a2b5f Jan. 18, 2020, 8:45 a.m. No.7846571   🗄️.is 🔗kun



On the Pentagon’s Biological Laboratories in Ukraine


In Ukraine in 2013 alone, biolaboratories were opened in Vinnytsia, Ternopil, Uzhhorod, Kiev, Dnepropetrovsk, Simferopol, Kherson, Lviv (three laboratories at once in this town!) and Lugansk with the support of the US.


Today [2014], the Pentagon’s biolaboratories are gathered around Russia in a semicircle.

