Anonymous ID: 1fd7f5 Jan. 18, 2020, 9:17 a.m. No.7846764   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6803 >>7026 >>7038

So this is a free speech website.


Who's planning on going to Virginia to assist them in the removal of their government?


It's the people's right to abolosh government when it becomes intrusive to those ends of which they are trying to pass.


Senator Amanda Chase has posted a notice to get people coming to virginia to lay down like the good goys you are.


Stating that the Patriot Act and NDAA has given the government the right to arrest you as domestic terrorists.


The very fact that this is the case means it's LONG past time to abolish the government or at least the parts of it instituting these anti-constitutional laws.


LISTEN AND LISTEN WELL. The National guardsmen WILL NOT fire on American citizens trying to enforce their 2nd amendment rights, they may show up, they may be armed, but you will be able to walk right past them and they will not fire, they will put you the people to the test though to see if you truly want freedom. You MUST walk on by, into the statehouse, peacebly, and remove the local government officials, and institute new government.


Do not be like the France Yellow Vest movement, you MUST push on to the virginia capital. The American people are behind you, and will follow you in from neighboring states because we know if it falls in Virginia, it will Fall in other states.


They have crossed the line in the sand, and it's now or never folks.


What a world we live in where a patriot is viewed as a domestic terrorist. Wake up people. It's time!


So I ask again, who's going to Virginia with me to help those folks out?