Anonymous ID: 2ee2ee Jan. 18, 2020, 9:42 a.m. No.7846889   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Apart from STARGATE technology - what is NATO OTAN hiding from us?


Puzzling in the unknown, following sources matching on many levels:


"The Stargate mentioned here is not an artificial stargate. It's a naturally forming Stargate in Iraq, Egypt, Iran, and Turkey. They each have stargates that are NATURALLY FORMING.


Think Men In Black

Think Stargate

Think Military Industrial Complex"



From an article of 2016:

"Iraq/Sumer are an ancient stargate area and that is why the war was launched there. This gate was activating with a so called ‘stellar cycle’ which may actually just be the presence of higher beings and the awakening consciousness of the stasis beings who can control them.

This gate was used to power the looking glass device which could bend space and time into seeing alternate dimensions and future outcomes or/and parallel timelines."



On the discovery of a clearly NOT HUMAN origin structure in Bucegi mountain / Romania:

"The U.S. adviser on national security issues was notified that the energetic shield from Irag (in Baghdad) was suddenly activated, pulsating at a high freguency." at the same time they entered the structure in Bugeci mountain.



From my memory, apologies for not having archived, maybe from MJ12:

Stargate was necessary to get Looking Glass working. After using LG they disassembled it. The parts are said to be hidden in various NATO states.


Good information is rare, plz feel free to contribute.