Best way to deal with the DS is expose both. For far too long they could overwhelm by hitting from both sides. Reason why MSM is so powerful. No moar. But pointing out which is which is good. kek
Expose everything they say and do. Then show what the MSM Fake News covers. We track everything, we cannot be distracted. That is our secret power.
IJS looks goofy
The Women’s March in DC
96 watching now•Started streaming 2 hours ago
46.7K subscribers
WOMEN’S MARCH ON WASHINGTON: Thousands are marching in DC and around the nation, united against continued attacks on our bodies, our rights, our immigrant communities, and our planet.
Women's March kicks off in DC | AFP
88 views•Jan 18, 2020
AFP News Agency
521K subscribers
Protesters gather in Washington, DC, where the fourth annual Women's March is gearing up to protest through the streets of the US capital. IMAGES