Anonymous ID: cd9a26 Jan. 18, 2020, 9:50 a.m. No.7846947   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6963 >>6992

A friend of mine just had to put down their dog….

Sad for them…..

Sent this to them…. Always makes me tear up a bit…..a bit Ver-Clemped ;)


When man 1st sinned against God he was kicked out of Paradise and a great chasm separated him from all the other animals as a punishment. Most animals accepted the separation and actually felt safer because man was now to be a hunter of many of them. All but one animal. This animal watched in distress as the chasm grew wider and man receded into the distance. This animal circled anxiously and finally at the last possible moment made a desperate leap across the chasm with just its paws reaching the edge of the precipice. Man reached down and grabbed the paws of Dog and held him. Ever since that day dog has been man’s best friend. Perhaps God had a change of heart at the last moment and helped dog with his leap so man would have at least one devoted animal companion and also perhaps it was no accident that this animal’s name was the name of God spelled backwards.