Anonymous ID: d97c27 Jan. 18, 2020, 9:43 a.m. No.7846906   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>7846807 Baker notable

For to study the symbolism

Notable blatant symbols and story-line related to "creation of our reality" by "Hollywood" Carnie barkers.


May be related to Ledger's "suicide" which happened before shooting the movie had completed. Other "stars" took his role "underground"

He may have been killed to prevent the finishing of the movie. As it was it was very close to never being completely - much as "Brainstorm" which was interrupted by the apparent death of Natalie Wood.

"Brainstorm" also a very evocative "picture show"

Maybe an allusion to "death fakery" substitutions / replacements , which seems one of the routines in their "tool kit"

Anonymous ID: d97c27 Jan. 18, 2020, 9:58 a.m. No.7847003   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7018


I figured Pelican -hate was shill driven? Either that or just Juveniles mistaking it for spam?


>>7846379 pb

Once Justice is done, as best as possible; (knowing complete reparation on this Earth could never possibly happen - too much suffering will just be "Water under the Bridge" "Mysterious & unknowable are the ways of Karma")

But get it done, and I will weep.

I will mourn for the past.

I will praise my "comrades - in -arms"

And finally I will rejoice.

I will sleep at least one good night of peaceful sleep?

Mission Accomplished.

I will get my lifetime dream?

Lots will have been sacrificed, if it gets done.

I Will try to Figure out how to secure the future, as best as possible?

Maybe I will meet with the anons?

I will Take a good rest, probably needed.

I will praise God and do many joyful prayers.

Aum Amen. Tat Sat.