Anonymous ID: db6314 Jan. 18, 2020, 9:05 a.m. No.7846690   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6756


I had a friend in college who eventually developed schizophrenia. He was an amazing dude. He tried starting up a show on our college radio channel that was similar to InfoWars, and this board for that matter, way back in 1991 I think it was. He wanted to "dig" into stuff…secret societies (he knew about Skull and Bones, this was Bush I era), parasitic psychiatric hospitals, etc. Dude was WAY ahead of his time (it was all way over my head at that point) and it saddens me that his mind is broken. Haven't spoken to him in decades, he went home to obscurity. So your adrenochrome theory is quite interesting to me.