Anonymous ID: dc71f7 Jan. 18, 2020, 9 a.m. No.7846665   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6729 >>6916 >>6998 >>7115

TECUN UMAN, Guatemala (Reuters) - Scuffles briefly broke out on the Guatemala-Mexico border on Saturday morning as a group of several hundred mostly Honduran migrants pressed forward to cross, only to be pushed back by Mexican security forces.


Scores of people who entered Guatemala from Honduras in recent days have been arriving at the Mexican border, with the bulk of them still advancing in a larger caravan, testing the resolve of Mexico to heed U.S. demands to contain migrant flows.


President Donald Trump has threatened to hurt Mexico and Central American countries economically if they allow large groups to reach the U.S. border, and the latest exodus from Honduras has been accompanied by U.S. border agents.


Guatemalan authorities say around 4,000 people have arrived in the country in the last few days, the biggest surge since Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador signed accords with the United States that increase pressure on them to deal with migrants.


After waiting on a bridge at the Guatemalan border town of Tecun Uman, some migrants began pushing and shoving before being driven back by Mexican security officials, who shut the border crossing and sought to calm the group.


A Reuters witness estimated there were 300-400 people on the Guatemalan side of the border. Along with local television reporters, he said order was quickly restored at the scene.


A few migrants made it through the gate, local media said, but Mexican officials appeared to be controlling the situation more successfully than when a large caravan sought to force its way through at the same crossing in October 2018.

Anonymous ID: dc71f7 Jan. 18, 2020, 9:09 a.m. No.7846719   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6916 >>6998 >>7115

BEIRUT (Reuters) - Security forces in Beirut fired tear gas and used water cannons on Saturday in clashes with protesters armed with tree branches and sign posts near Lebanon’s parliament.


After a lull in largely peaceful protests which broke out across the country in October over the state of the economy, people filled the streets again this week. They are furious at a ruling elite that has steered the country towards its worst economic crisis in decades.


Police wielding batons and firing tear gas have wounded dozens of people at protests in recent days, alarming human rights groups. Anger at the banks - which have curbed people’s access to their savings - boiled over, with protesters smashing bank facades and ATMs on Tuesday night.


Lebanon’s Internal Security Forces said on Saturday that police in Beirut were being “violently and directly” confronted at one of the entrances to the parliament. In a tweet, it called on people to leave the area for their own safety.

