Anonymous ID: 73c0ed Jan. 18, 2020, 10:41 a.m. No.7847236   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7285


>The Speaker used her 32* personalised pens to sign the finalised articles of impeachment after the House voted 228-193 to transmit them to the Senate for trial.

>She also signed a resolution appointing her impeachment “managers” – House members who will prosecute the case accusing Mr Trump of abusing his power and obstructing Congress.

>The documents were handed to Senate officials after a procession through the Capitol building yesterday evening – only the third time the ritual has been performed.

>The Speaker said before the vote: “We are here today to cross a very important threshold in American history.

> Nancy Pelosi used one pen for each letter of her name signing two documents.

>11x2= 22 letters

>8 or 10 pens not used

>Verified Pen holders:

>1.Adam Schiff D, CA, House Intelligence

>2.Jerrold Nadler D, NY, House Judiciary

>3.Zoe Lofgren D, CA, House Administration

>4.Val Demings D, FL, House Intelligence

>5.Hakeem Jeffries D, NY, House Democrat committee

>6.Sylvia Garcia D, TX, House Judiciary

>7.Jason Crow D, CO, House Armed Sevices

>8.Maxine Waters D, CA, House Financial Services

>**9.Nancy Pelosi D, CA, Speaker of the House

>10.Carolyn Maloney D, NY, House Oversight, G'ment Reform

>11.Eliot Engel D, NY, House Foreign Affairs

>12.Richard Neal D, MASS, House Ways and Means

>**13.Madeleine Dean D, Penn ( photographer only?!)

>14.Mary Gay Scanlon D, Penn

>15.Jackie Speier D, CA

>Speculation based on loudest of talking heads throughout the peach mint trial.


>16. Karen Bass D,CA

>17. David Cicilline D, RI

>18. Steve Cohen D, TN

>19. J. Luis Correa D, CA

>20. Sheila Jackson Lee D,TX

>21. Primila Jaypal D, Wash

>22. Hank Johnson D, GA

>23. Ted Lieu D, CA

>24. Jamie Laskin D, MD

>25. Eric Swalwell D, CA

>26. Joaquin Castro D,TX

>27.  Al Green D, TX

>28. John Lewis D, GA

>29. Alexandria Cortez D, NY

>30. Ayanna Pressley D, MA

>Reported in the sun 32 pens were used.

>*31. Illhan Ohmar D, Minn

>*32. Rashida Talib D, MI

Copy pasta from above>>7847162