Anonymous ID: a8fd47 Jan. 18, 2020, 10:31 a.m. No.7847191   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7256

All (/pb)




>After all the negative controls are gone, we clean our food and medicine. We bring out our best technology to help everyone, in short, rebuild our world.


It is easy for some to get caught on the Justice Card, when there is so much more at stake.

It starts with you.

This is why I call you superheroes.




>But get it done, and I will weep.


What if it already has been, and you just haven't experienced that 'Present' yet?

Time is a Strange thing.


>I will mourn for the past.


I "enjoy every second of it".

Past / Present / Future.

The past is what makes us who we are as a species.

So I embrace it and love it for what it is.

Without the DARKNESS of our past, how can we see the LIGHT?

"We cannot learn without pain." - Aristotle


>Maybe I will meet with the anons?


It's an offer I'd willingly take.

Much love…

Anonymous ID: a8fd47 Jan. 18, 2020, 12:03 p.m. No.7847777   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7781 >>7791 >>7801 >>7849 >>7880 >>7930



>So, given that we’re not alone, it’s likely the military that anon referenced/assumed to be part of is extraterrestrial in nature.


Many days I have felt this way.

Many days Eye have not.

Incarnated extraterrestrial LARPs are plenty, and the power of suggestion is incredibly persuasive.

Everyone has the power to be an angel or a demon.

Everyone has the power to be a superhero or a supervillain.

"The problem is choice." - Neo





>How do they get the timing right so far in advance?


Some things were seen ahead of Time without the use of machinery.

There are many other 'coincidences'.

Ego still holds many back.

Only a handful have made the right connections.

"Do not force those not yet ready." - Q

Anonymous ID: a8fd47 Jan. 18, 2020, 12:31 p.m. No.7847955   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>what am I? What is The Other? What does that look like?). a la Dr Manhattan or something. Extraterrestrial or terrestrial, it ceases to matter.


You are who you BELIEVE you are.

Don't ever let anyone else tell you who YOU are.

Some do believe they are incarnated extraterrestrials, and that is their reality.

I choose to call others Superheroes, and see what they do with it.

Ego can go both ways.




>God is God as is described and as has been shown, outside of time and all powerful, this is the only thing I’m treating as true. What next?


We all have a different perspective of what God is.

Every perspective is the correct 1.

To me God is Time itself x The 7 Hermetic Principles working in symbiosis.

The ALL must influence the ALL.

The ALL must exist in all points in Time and space, in all dimensions.

Without Time none of this exists.




>Secondly, what can this anon do to be of use?


I think loving others has something to do with it.

Your life isn't just about what you accomplish for yourself.

It's about how you positively impact everyone around you.

You don't have to make great ripples across time and space.

Don't place great expectations on yourself to change the world alone.

That's why we work as a team.

You don't need to be super wealthy or super famous.

You don't need to see the future.

You don't need to be seen on a global stage changing humanity.

It's about the day to day choices, the little choices.

It's about doing the right thing when no one is watching.

You are the sum of your choices.

Make wise choices…