Anonymous ID: c704af Jan. 18, 2020, 11:18 a.m. No.7847478   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7520 >>7535 >>7557 >>7562 >>7949

‘We've had enough!’ WATCH German farmers drive tractors through Berlin to protest agriculture policy


German farmers flooded streets of Berlin again to denounce the way government spends EU subsidies and its emission policies that satisfy neither them nor environmentalists, who are also taking part at the protests.


More than 150 tractors rolled up to the iconic Brandenburg Gate in downtown Berlin on Saturday afternoon, paralyzing traffic in the adjacent areas. Anticipating this, the authorities have urged residents to use the public rapid transit system instead of car when travelling through the city's center.


Around 15,000 people are participating in the demonstration, which takes place as Berlin hosts the International Green Week, a food and agricultural fair attended by top-ranked officials. United by the slogan 'We've had enough!,' a grand alliance of 100 organizations, including farmers and environmentalist and animal rights groups, is demanding "better appreciation" of farm work by the state and clearer regulation on pollution and animal welfare.


Bei der „Wir haben es satt!“-Demo sind auch 170 Trecker aus ganz 🇩🇪 am Start. Ob bio oder konventionell, hunderte Landwirt*innen fordern mit uns eine Umkehr in der Agrarpolitik. 👏👏🎉🚜

— NABU e.V. (@NABU_de) January 18, 2020


The 'tractor rallies' have become more commonplace in Germany in recent years, as farmers are growing indignant towards what they see as the government ignoring their interests and endangering their livelihood by introducing tighter rules.

Anonymous ID: c704af Jan. 18, 2020, 11:22 a.m. No.7847495   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7507

AI Expert Claims We Need 'Greta Thunberg of Robot World' to Prevent Emergence of Dangerous Robots


Thunberg became widely known for her calls for students to organise "climate strikes" around the world as well as for her passionate speech at the UN, where she accused world leaders of doing too little to address climate change.


Dr David Levy, an expert on artificial intelligence (AI), said in an interview with the Daily Star that the way technology is developing nowadays, the world might soon face a serious challenge from AI-equipped robots of all types.


"There are all sorts of possibilities of robots behaving badly, not just because the wrong data is used or a design fault. But also because of malicious intervention by people who have the skills to hack into robots and control it", he said.

Anonymous ID: c704af Jan. 18, 2020, 11:25 a.m. No.7847513   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7562 >>7949

List of ‘Fugitive’ Illegals Set Free by NYC’s Sanctuary Cities Policy is Published by ICE


New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio has defended the city’s sanctuary city policies in the past, claiming it makes the city safer. It’s difficult to understand how letting known criminals out of prison helps anyone but the criminal. Liberal logic?


Fox News reports that ICE just upped the pressure by putting out a list of illegals who happen to be fugitives who have been released despite requests from ICE to deport them. Acting ICE Director Matthew Albence presented the list to reporters at a press conference in New York on Friday.

Anonymous ID: c704af Jan. 18, 2020, 11:29 a.m. No.7847538   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7563 >>7602


Agreed…He just used the wrong example…Should of used ..This


In the year 2525

If man is still alive

If woman can survive

They may find


Ain't gonna need to tell the truth, tell no lies

Everything you think, do and say

Is in the pill you took today


Ain't gonna need no husband, won't need no wife

You'll pick your son, pick your daughter too

From the bottom of a long glass tube,


If God's a-comin' he ought to make it by then

Maybe he'll look around himself and say

Guess it's time for the Judgement day


God is gonna shake his mighty head then

He'll either say I'm pleased where man has been

Or tear it down and start again, woah woah


Zager and Evans - In The Year 2525

Anonymous ID: c704af Jan. 18, 2020, 11:33 a.m. No.7847569   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7574

Florida Sheriff: “I Will Not Enforce Assault Weapons Ban, Neither Will Most Sheriffs” (Video)


Florida Sheriff: “I Will Not Enforce Assault Weapons Ban, Neither Will Most Sheriffs” (Video)

Avatar by Jacob Engels January 18, 2020


Dennis Lemma, who is the Sheriff in Central Florida’s Seminole County, told a group of 2nd Amendment activists recently that he would not enforce an assault weapons ban that could soon become Florida law if the “Ban Assault Weapons Now” amendment passes in the Sunshine State.


According to News965, the ban has the following specifications.


The amendment proposed in the state legislature would ban possession of assault weapons, which are defined as “semiautomatic rifles and shotguns capable of holding more than 10 rounds of ammunition at once, either in fixed or detachable magazine, or any other ammunition feeding device.”


Lemma, an ardent supporter of the 2nd Amendment and a first term sheriff who is running for re-election, said

Anonymous ID: c704af Jan. 18, 2020, 11:46 a.m. No.7847656   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7949

Top Al Qaeda associate arrested in Mali for his central role in pair of 2016 terrorist attacks that killed 49 people, including American missionary


A ruthless Al Qaeda leader was finally behind bars Thursday for his lethal role in two 2016 West African terrorist attacks where 49 people were killed — including an American missionary who left behind a wife and four kids.


A Brooklyn federal criminal complaint charged Mimi Ould Baba, 32, a citizen of Mali, with the murder of U.S. citizen Michael Riddering during a Jan. 15, 2016, terrorist assault in Burkina Faso. The suicide mission, involving three attackers armed with assault rifles and hand grenades, killed 30 people inside a cafe and hotel.


Riddering, 45, was inside the Cafe Cappuccino to meet with a group of potential volunteers for the orphanage and women’s crisis center that he and his wife operated. The couple’s four children included two adopted in Burkina Faso since they arrived in the African nation back in 2011.


“This case is another reminder that when terrorists kill an American, even half a world away, the FBI special agents and New York City detectives of the Joint Terrorism Task Force will work as long as it takes and go as far as it takes to bring justice,” said NYPD Commissioner Dermot Shea.


Baba will also face charges in Mali for a second terror attack on March 13, 2016, where three similarly armed terrorists killed 19 people at a beach resort in Cote D’Ivoire. He will face prosecution in Mali, although U.S. law enforcement intend to work with local African authorities going forward in his case.

Anonymous ID: c704af Jan. 18, 2020, 11:53 a.m. No.7847695   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7745


Yes, Nazis Disarming Jews Did Make a Difference


Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson has just been dinged by the liberal media for the nth time for observing that the number of Jews murdered in the Holocaust "would have been greatly diminished" had the Nazis not been able to disarm them. He added, “There is a reason that these dictatorial people take the guns first.”


This contradicts the narrative that gun control is benign and historically progressive and that government is inherently good and the governed are apparently not.

Anonymous ID: c704af Jan. 18, 2020, 11:59 a.m. No.7847747   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7949

New Mexico Lawmakers Pre-file Gun Control Bills


While the New Mexico Legislature won’t convene until next week, anti-gun legislators have already pre-filed multiple gun control bills, including “Red Flag” gun confiscation laws and bans on popular firearm accessories.


House Bill 7 / Senate Bill 5 – Sponsored by Rep. Daymon Ely and Senator Joseph Cervantes, these bills would authorize the seizure of firearms and/or ammunition from individuals without due process. Unchallenged statements made by a petitioner before a judge, alleging that someone is a danger to themselves or others in an ex parte proceeding — prior to any formal court hearing at which the respondent can be represented by counsel and present counter-evidence — would be sufficient for law enforcement to enter that person’s home and confiscate their private property.


Constitutional rights should only be restricted with sufficient due process of law. Due process limits restrictions on constitutional rights to only serious convictions and adjudications that provide procedural protections to the accused, which results in more reliable proceedings. The Right to Keep and Bear Arms should not be treated as a second-class right and should only be restricted when sufficient protections are in place.

Anonymous ID: c704af Jan. 18, 2020, 12:07 p.m. No.7847806   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Public university sued for shutting down student protest against gun-free zones


Two weeks’ notice is ‘appropriate’ to prevent disruption, administration says


Students who want to protest gun-free zones at Montclair State University must get permission two weeks ahead of time, no matter how mirthful their protest is.


MSU’s Young Americans for Liberty chapter filed a federal lawsuit against the New Jersey public university Thursday, targeting three “sets of policies” as unconstitutional.


The first is the speech permit policy, which prematurely ended YAL’s September protest against gun-free zones, according to the suit. Members dressed up in orange prisoner jumpsuits and held up signs that read “every civilian gun is a threat,” “disarm law abiding citizens” and “criminals for gun free zones.”

Anonymous ID: c704af Jan. 18, 2020, 12:12 p.m. No.7847838   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7874


Now Move along..don't have time for Complete Idiots


Second Amendment Makes Clear: Americans Are Not Subservient To Government – Part Two


The Second Amendment of the Bill of Rights of the U.S. Constitution is unique; no other nation on earth trusts its citizenry; thus, no other nation on earth, but the United States, will dare place trust in an armed citizenry.

Read Part One. and Part Three.

Anonymous ID: c704af Jan. 18, 2020, 12:16 p.m. No.7847861   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7931

NBC: Trump voters are unconstitutional or something


Did you know that voting for Trump would be unconstitutional or something? You see, according to NBC, voting for Trump is racist, so it’s unconstitutional.



From NBC News, a commentary piece arguing that voting for Trump is unconstitutional. Discusses legal remedies. 'Censuring' individual voters would be 'difficult.' Nullifying election even harder. Still, other possibilities…


— Byron York (@ByronYork) January 18, 2020

Anonymous ID: c704af Jan. 18, 2020, 12:19 p.m. No.7847883   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7888

REPORT: Over 50 Percent Of Attendees At Trump’s Wisconsin Rally Weren’t Republicans


REPORT: Over 50 Percent Of Attendees At Trump’s Wisconsin Rally Weren’t Republicans

Avatar by Aleister January 18, 2020


This is some news that should absolutely terrify Democrats.


They know they need Wisconsin and other rust belt states to beat Trump in 2020 but the crowd at Trump’s recent rally there proves winning the state is going to be extremely difficult for them.


More than half of the people at Trump’s rally were not even Republicans.


Red State reports:


Mind-Blowing! 58% Of Attendees at Trump’s Wisconsin Rally Were NOT Republicans, Up from 43% in Ohio


Several days ago, Trump’s campaign manager Brad Parscale posted statistics from last week’s rally held in Toledo, OH, which showed that 43% of attendees identified as either Democratic or Independent. I called that figure “stunning” in a recent post.

Anonymous ID: c704af Jan. 18, 2020, 12:23 p.m. No.7847908   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7920


FKing Dummy ..Take your own advice…Here READ it FOR FREE..Ten come talk to me


Since the early 1920s, numerous pamphlets and articles, even a few books, have sought to

forge a link between "international bankers" and "Bolshevik revolutionaries." Rarely have

these attempts been supported by hard evidence, and never have such attempts been argued

within the framework of a scientific methodology. Indeed, some of the "evidence" used in these

efforts has been fraudulent, some has been irrelevant, much cannot be checked. Examination of

the topic by academic writers has been studiously avoided; probably because the hypothesis

offends the neat dichotomy of capitalists versus Communists (and everyone knows, of course,

that these are bitter enemies). Moreover, because a great deal that has been written borders on

the absurd, a sound academic reputation could easily be wrecked on the shoals of ridicule.

Reason enough to avoid the topic.

Fortunately, the State Department Decimal File, particularly the 861.00 section, contains

extensive documentation on the hypothesized link. When the evidence in these official papers

is merged with nonofficial evidence from biographies, personal papers, and conventional

histories, a truly fascinating story emerges.

We find there was a link between


New York international bankers and


revolutionaries, including Bolsheviks. These banking gentlemen — who are here identified —

had a financial stake in, and were rooting for, the success of the Bolshevik Revolution.