Anonymous ID: c933cb Jan. 18, 2020, 12:01 p.m. No.7847758   🗄️.is 🔗kun

President Trump committed NO CRIMES!


The braindead in the House proved NOTHING!


The articles submitted by the blackmailed-by-the-[DS] empty-headed puppets contain NO CRIMES!


Since there are NO CRIMES involved, included in, mentioned or even alluded to in the swamps articles…why is the Senate having a trial?


Because the senate is not the Senate, they are not on President Trump's side, they are not honest and they are totally comp'd and are running a con on President Trump and the patriotic supporters of President Trump.


There is only one question that should be asked by the Senate of of slimy demonrat "managers" and that is: "What High Crime or Misdemeanor are you submitting to the Senate?"


When the demonrats state that they are not submitting a "High Crime" or a "Misdemeanor" but are seeking for a new investigation by the Senate to prove the demonrats assertions…the Senate should just return the "articles" to the demonrats and tell them to come back to the Senate when they have a "High Crime or Misdemeanor" to submit.


They wont though because the rinos in the Senate - and there are far more rinos and never-Trumpers in the Senate than there are honest senators - will vote with the demonrats because that act will swell their bank account.


Do Not Believe what McConnell is saying. Do Not Believe what Graham is saying…they are both already fully blackmailed into acting until the final vote when they will "agree" that there are problems with what President Trump did even though there is no evidence of any wrongdoing.


If the Senate trial goes forward even though the demonrats have not submitted even one. single. crime…we are truly screwed and the United States - and sadly Canada who is already suffering under a socialist government, fully-owned by the [DS] - will lose everything that generations of patriots have tried to secure…freedom, democracy, honesty.


Our indication that the end is coming will be the first so-called "bi-partisan" Senate vote that allows the scam to continue.



Anonymous ID: c933cb Jan. 18, 2020, 12:05 p.m. No.7847788   🗄️.is 🔗kun

So…just another regular reminder regarding the greatest act of treason in American history!



A demonrat House, demonrat Senate and demonrat president (not deserving of a capital p) committed outright treason, violated the American Constitution, allowing the setting up of a foreign pond-scum central bank and giving control over the American currency - a control given by the Founding Fathers to ONLY the elected government - to those same foreign scumbags and turning 100's of millions of Americans - Generations! - into debt slaves to globalist pigs who feel it is their right to control all the money in the world and if people in any country want to use their own currency…they can borrow off the scum at interest.


Americans must never forget the last 113 years of slavery of ALL Americans orchestrated and implemented by the treasonous demonrat party!


ALL AMERICANS must keep this uppermost in mind - demonrats have always been slave owners. demonrats owned ALL slaves, demonrats created the kkk, demonrats voted against ending slavery, demonrats voted against allowing their slaves to vote, the demonrats voted against giving female slaves the right to vote, or be equal.


Anyone in America, ABSOLUTELY ANYONE who thinks the demonrat slave-owners should be voted for is NOT American!