Label-Lynching Matt Shea
• NPR: “Washington Legislator Matt Shea Accused Of ‘Domestic Terrorism,’ Report Finds.”
• Associated Press/Los Angeles Times: “Washington state Rep. Matt Shea engaged in ‘domestic terrorism,’ report says.”
• CNN: “Investigation finds Washington state representative took part in ‘domestic terrorism.’”
• Newsweek: “Republican Lawmaker Matt Shea Was Involved in Domestic Terrorism and Is a ‘Risk to Others,’ Investigators Say.”
• Seattle Post-Intelligencer: “State Rep. Matt Shea ‘planned, engaged, promoted’ armed conflicts.”
Much the same fare poured out of the usual suspect spigots: New York Times, Huffington Post, Washington Post, Time, ABC, NBC, MSNBC, CBS, PBS, et al. The echo-chamber effect was mind-numbing. Yet, there is nothing in the much-hyped report to sustain the incredible headlines and stories that followed its December 19 release. Shorn of insinuation and weasel-worded inferences, the Leodler report is an empty shell.
The Deep Swamp is desperate to clobber State Rep. Matt Shea (WA). Clearly, he must represent a significant threat.