Anonymous ID: 16ebe7 Jan. 18, 2020, 12:49 p.m. No.7848080   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8446 >>8470 >>8576 >>8624

>>7848004 Control of the AIW will be vital if open civil war occurs. Ditto for the entire Intra Coastal Waterway–3000 miles of it. Can it be a coincidence that this canal is shut for maintenance during military maneuvers, with GPS being sporadically disrupted, even as events in DC move to a climax? Leading up to Super Bowl is also intriguing, with the Senate trial & vote about to occur.

Anonymous ID: 16ebe7 Jan. 18, 2020, 1:46 p.m. No.7848552   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8568 >>8582

>>7848224 Have been close friends with a female CA hispanic for 30 years (among others). Her extended family embodies some of the nationwide polling trends, in the sense that about half of them are conservative. These do not want the illegals coming in and unjustly taking things, while monkeying up the mechanism of society, any more than the rest of us. Nor do they deserve it. Believe that more and more are coming to our side, but are still somewhat reticent to openly say so in the CA climate. The one friend though, is beyond insane with TDS. They took total control of her mind, and every time she speaks, their hateful words about DJT come pouring out. She can not stop herself. A pitiful & painful thing to interact with her these days—can't talk to her on the phone, so our relationship is on line solely. This family is on a respectably high level of accomplishment—intelligent & with skills. Will speak the truth, which is that they have all become entwined in my heart, and I love them as much as my own family.

Anonymous ID: 16ebe7 Jan. 18, 2020, 2:04 p.m. No.7848656   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>7848582 Not that simple, anon, when we are talking about an old CA family that was there before the Mexican War of 1846-48, and one that works productively within the framework of society. I am a white man, and yes, there are many who hate me on sight. Nevertheless, I will live according to my principles, which means that I do what I can to defend the nation, while resisting invaders, while also giving productive, law abiding people who do not hate me, a fair chance. People who call for the extermination of whites, and the destruction of the world we know, get zero consideration from me. I will defend these things against them, while also declaring that reasonable people of other colors also deserve a chance & a level playing field. But the illegals must go, all of them. Plus, some of their enablers should face a traitor's justice.