Anonymous ID: 208b68 Jan. 18, 2020, 1:35 p.m. No.7848468   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8491


I was wondering how long it would take you to KVETCH KVETCH KVETCH.


You did the Same Shit Back in November 2018

When an anon posted clips from the Documentary "The Lobby", showing the aggressive subversion by the Jewish Lobby in messing in our government.

You harassed the Bakers TWICE.


Which led to more exposure of Jewish Subversion of our Government on Thanksgiving.

Which led to the Mossad Massacre on Dec. 28, 2018.

You Israeli clowns went batshit and harassed BO, doxxed Jim, CM … NAG NAG NAG .


2020 - You're pulling the same bullshit, attacking Jim, CM blah blah blah.


So Today, it only took you JIDF clowns 3 hours and 20 minutes to REEEEEeee .