Anonymous ID: 4e184e Jan. 18, 2020, 12:40 p.m. No.7848014   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8720

>>7847191 pb

It's only respectful to those who died for this, to mourn and remember, if we do survive ourselves beyond it.

Are you a fucking New Age creep?

I was taught by my New Age-ish mom to feel my emotions, that it's acceptable to feel sad or to mourn. And it's actually many times appropriate.

Emotions are nothing to be ashamed of or to try to deny.

They will only boomerang back, if you do

"return of the repressed"

Otherwise you are fucking psycho. phoney. What are you ? From California?

"Have a Nice Day"

Like Shirley mcClaine ..

"Don't worry. Be Happy"

Fuck off. that is so fucking lame.

"Much Love"

You have to recognize and feel what happened before you can go on.

Some of us fighting it, our whole life, suffering from it; we have no time to feel the emotions, since we are too busy working against it.

In an abuse situation, the victim doesn't even begin to feel the full pain of what they've been put through, until it's over.

It's how nature protects us.

Expect a big upheaval emotionally when this shit really comes down.

We're still waiting now.

And stop lecturing on what are the appropriate feelings or emotions?

You must be in some C-A drug cult?

Ayahauaska, whatever. Pot head?

Go listen to Terence McKenna podcasts

Fuck off

Anonymous ID: 4e184e Jan. 18, 2020, 1:18 p.m. No.7848329   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8342 >>8386 >>8716


I am so bored of this shit

Is he still at it?

"Brian" ? should've thrown in the towel by now.

He still thinks RR is a good guy

? ! Will wonders never cease?

I thought he would be forced to figure it out by now; after the OIG report.

Talk about Confirmation bias

? I looked it up in the dictionary and there was his name.

He's right up there with delusional Trump haters.

Anonymous ID: 4e184e Jan. 18, 2020, 1:27 p.m. No.7848404   🗄️.is 🔗kun


"Born in Hominy Osage Oklahoma to Robert Burney Barnett and Mary Ruth Hopper on July 7th 1946. Died May 23rd 2016 in Keota Haskell OK"

If it's the same Robert B. Barnett?

Anonymous ID: 4e184e Jan. 18, 2020, 1:31 p.m. No.7848437   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8495


I smell a Red Capitals liar.

Why do they always use Red Capitals

Aren't they trained by people?

Reverse names must be over the target?

Like CORNEY mis - spelling to hide

Yep, that's a real thing

"Spelling matters"

There's nothing "Red Herring" about Promis and BCCI … Nothing.

Anonymous ID: 4e184e Jan. 18, 2020, 1:38 p.m. No.7848480   🗄️.is 🔗kun


No he's a very generous Patriot

Who gives us this free speech Forum

Prima facie different than a clown.

Clowns are the ones who take us down.


Where you come and diss him.

Where is your free speech forum?

Your a liar to say he is a liar.

Why do you use this important free speech space for nonsense?

Go home to mommy.

Anonymous ID: 4e184e Jan. 18, 2020, 2 p.m. No.7848625   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I don't think so

There are always people releasing and uncovering evidence on FF;

The Don't Care = Ace in the Hole = Mass Media control.

FBI … does it. Every fucking time.

So, how do the Dems get away with what they are doing to "impeach" POTUS?

Mass Media.

It doesn't matter how stupid it is.

My friend never even heard of Hunter Biden and watches TV 24 / 7

They don't care.

Yes, they are in some echo chamber / bubble

You don't need a lot of evidence. There ALWAYS is that.

But likely need people to make charts - show the evidence, like that, and mass onto Social Media. before and after.

Looks like they are trying to disrupt the first day of the Senate trial.

That's counts as "Obstruction'

Don't you think they will try to blame "Q"


Anonymous ID: 4e184e Jan. 18, 2020, 2:10 p.m. No.7848697   🗄️.is 🔗kun


^^^ They've been doing that


for a very long time.

I would go, but refuse to get in the cage, when I ran across that.

Anti war rally in D.C some years ago they released some kind of bioweapon, luckily it wasn't a strong one; probably just a test. "Rabbit fever" I forget. People did come down with it; but it was just flu-like thing. The chemical weapon sensors were all activated, up and down the mall. Typicial response.. It was a coincidence, you know.

I always think it's a a bad idea for protesters for a good cause to gather any where. They can get you all in one hit.

You do their work for them with that.

Like voluntarily going down to the train to go off to your friendly work camp.

What exactly is the value of congregating like that? Nothing, that I ever saw.

Millions of people would gather for anti-war, News wouldn't cover it; and it'd be like it never happened.

People get a short rush or high from being with like-minded; which soon fizzles out and goes to nothing.

Crowds are a bad idea, right?

Didn't "Q" recommend "Stay out of places where a lot of Patriots might congregate?"

somethin like that?