It's disgusting. Just endless "no u r haha" every fucking bread. They're mostly newfag white knights for jewish people.
Baker, just a reminder to put : after the bread number.
Used to fuck up some scripts, not sure if it does anymore.
Thank you!
Why does this bother you?
That's a retarded graphic.
Until Q confirms it, timestamps ≠ post numbers. So no not really.
>Richard Spencer is Attending the Virginia Rally
>so is Alex Jones
wew, glowfag central
I support the Patriots in VA though.
>we're doing this again
Deltas between tweets and between posts and tweets have been confirmed, but not that the numerical value of that delta equals a post number.
I would love for Q to confirm that is comms, but it's unlikely to happen imo.
That's true. I hope Q does confirm new ways to establish comms using deltas.
I think what you're doing is theoretically sound, but I don't know I've seen an example where it's made an impression that it's legitimately used for comms. More legit than the "qclock" ftw.
I should probably start by having this conversation instead of saying it's retarded compulsively.
See you tomorrow boomer.