Anonymous ID: 7043b0 Jan. 18, 2020, 12:45 p.m. No.7848057   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8112

>>7847880 lb

>>7847930 lb

what if god is everything that is (matter) and will be (time),

& u r a fragment of god - let's also call it source/ether;

viewing reality from 3d perspective,

& changing possible outcomes based on decisions & thought patterns u make (both conscious & sub-conscious),

while from god/source/ether perspective 'the movie' and it's possible endings are already known,

& the power of which ending u want to view/experience has always been up to u.


ayylmaos are just moar people/fragments of god/source/ether (as are all sentient beings like animals),

but in realities above ours in higher frequency/refresh rate of perception.