Anonymous ID: 736a1e Jan. 18, 2020, 1:19 p.m. No.7848341   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8407



Oh the shills are out in force

False flag in Richmond

Patriots will die

Your guns will be stolen from your cars

More bullshit fear mongering shoveled high as the sky.



Q said that We have it all

We know this is not an idle boast because the NSA monitors all comms in the USA.

And they don't even need a warrant to act on it

As long as they do not breach national security.



I'm monitoring a phone conversation planning a shooting at Richmond

The law enforcement officer mentions that he has the silencer and sniper rifle with him

And he is practicing in his basement.

Hours later, I hear muffled sounds of shooting.

I hack into a T-mobile cell tower nearby, and make a fake 911 call

When it connects, I tell them that I heard screams and shouting, and muffled gunshots as I was walking my dog past the law enforcement officer's address.

I say that I haven't seen his wife outside for days (he is unmarried, lives alone)


Now, I haven't exactly followed the law,

But I haven't violated classification either

And I can listen in to the conversations using the mobile phone speakers, and the TVs in the house

So I know whether they found the suspicious weapon or not.


What I am trying to say here

Is that there is NO SECRET PLOT

All the plotting and the people involved, are known to the NSA

And since this is a SILENT WAR

But nevertheless, a real war,

Some people who thought they would be in Richmond on Monday, just won't be there

And some JSOC operators will be donning law enforcement disguises

And will be there.


So nothing will happen.

At least not in Richmond

Remember, when the DeepState plans an "EVENT"

It is a distraction for something else

In another place

So keep your eyes open


Virginia will take care of its own problems.

91 counties will see to that.

Anonymous ID: 736a1e Jan. 18, 2020, 1:24 p.m. No.7848387   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8395 >>8417



You are right

Q is not in control

The US military (STONE) and US Intelligence (KEY) are in control

We learned that over 2 years ago

And in fact

Steve Pieczenek told us that 7 days before Hillary lost the election.


We know that Assange is due in February

And since we already have much of his info

That can only mean one thing

Witness Testimony

In the impeachment trial

On LIVE TV!!!!

For the whole world to see

And learn

And Wake Up!

Anonymous ID: 736a1e Jan. 18, 2020, 1:27 p.m. No.7848403   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8437 >>8495


>Ptech connects the post PROMIS and BCCI octopus with the AI high tech software world, US intelligence and Saudi financed al Qaeda.


In other words, a complete…


Set up by the DeepState

To keep us spinning our wheels and getting nowhere.

My guess is that you are the very LARPer

Who created those reverse-spelled domains in the first place.



Anonymous ID: 736a1e Jan. 18, 2020, 2:04 p.m. No.7848657   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8671 >>8701



Drones will be shot down.

Drone pilots will be arrested for violating military airspace.


Do not listen to these shills.

They are trying to set up Patriots to portray us as crazies.


Best move is just do NOT GO to Richmond.

Instead go to the county seats of the 91 counties and hold up a sign supporting their moves to NOT ENFORCE the state's UNCONSTITUTIONAL law.


Let the liberals flood into Richmond

Leave them alone

They will be deflated when Patriots do not show because we are in solidarity with the 91 counties.