Anonymous ID: a8b645 Jan. 18, 2020, 2:10 p.m. No.7848699   🗄️.is 🔗kun

On Monday, the world will be watching Richmond, VA. How that gets handled is seriously important.

If we are there, there will be violence and we will NOT have sufficient firepower to prevail. We can't count on law enforcement to behave in a neutral fashion. If we are not present, there will be defeat.

Unless something gets pulled out of the hat, it looks lose-lose for us.


The thing is for VA to refuse to allow Antifa to participate without a permit (almost certainly they do not have one … they pretty much NEVER do). But that won't happen – they WANT violent conflict and no matter who instigates it, WE will be blamed.


It's beginning to look like the cordon idea is probably the best, but it should not be communicated ahead of time. Let Antifa fight the anti-rights crowd. Don't give them a group to attack inside the fence – wait for them to exit and then, if they (unarmed and in smaller numbers) want to attack, so be it.