Anonymous ID: 25e48c Jan. 18, 2020, 2:21 p.m. No.7848817   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Fluoride exposure from infant formula and child IQ in a Canadian birth cohort


  • Consumption of formula reconstituted with fluoridated water can lead to excessive fluoride intake.

  • Breastfed infants receive very low intake of fluoride.

  • We compared IQ scores in 398 children who were formula-fed versus breastfed during infancy.

  • IQ scores were lower with higher levels of fluoride in tap water.

  • The effect was more pronounced among formula-fed children, especially for nonverbal skills.



We examined 398 mother-child dyads in the Maternal-Infant Research on Environmental Chemicals cohort who reported drinking tap water. We estimated water fluoride concentration using municipal water reports. We used linear regression to analyze the association between fluoride exposure and IQ scores, measured by the Wechsler Primary and Preschool Scale of Intelligence-III at 3–4?years. We examined whether feeding status (breast-fed versus formula-fed) modified the impact of water fluoride and if fluoride exposure during fetal development attenuated this effect. A second model estimated the association between fluoride intake from formula and child IQ.



Thirty-eight percent of mother-child dyads lived in fluoridated communities. An increase of 0.5?mg/L in water fluoride concentration (approximately equaling the difference between fluoridated and non-fluoridated regions) corresponded to a 9.3- and 6.2-point decrement in Performance IQ among formula-fed (95% CI: -13.77, -4.76) and breast-fed children (95% CI: -10.45, -1.94). The association between water fluoride concentration and Performance IQ remained significant after controlling for fetal fluoride exposure among formula-fed (B?=?-7.93, 95% CI: -12.84, -3.01) and breastfed children (B?=?-6.30, 95% CI: -10.92, -1.68). A 0.5?mg increase in fluoride intake from infant formula corresponded to an 8.8-point decrement in Performance IQ (95% CI: -14.18, -3.34) and this association remained significant after controlling for fetal fluoride exposure (B?=?-7.62, 95% CI: -13.64, -1.60).



Exposure to increasing levels of fluoride in tap water was associated with diminished non-verbal intellectual abilities; the effect was more pronounced among formula-fed children.

Anonymous ID: 25e48c Jan. 18, 2020, 2:33 p.m. No.7848931   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8942 >>8944 >>8979 >>8987 >>9006 >>9039 >>9108 >>9117 >>9137 >>9234 >>9270 >>9385 >>9405

‘We’ll shut your filthy mouth’: Putin says Russia will combat the rewriting of WWII history with new free-to-all archive center


Moscow is to create the most extensive collection of WWII documents, open to all persons anywhere, to once and for all “shut the filthy mouth” of those seeking to rewrite history for short-term gains, the Russian president said.


Any person, Russian or non-national, will be able to access the archive, including through a website resource, and the ultimate goal is to debunk any disinformation about the most devastating conflict in human history, President Vladimir Putin pledged, during a meeting with veterans of the Great Patriotic War, held in St. Petersburg on Saturday.


The creation of the center would leave no chance to those willing to distort the truth about the war for their own political needs, he argued.


The center is expected to incorporate the biggest and most extensive collection of documents, as well as photos and video footage dating back to the World War II era. The president first floated this idea during his annual state-of-the-nation address earlier this week, arguing that Russia should combat “brazen lies and attempts to distort history.”


In St. Petersburg, Putin also said that Moscow should follow the example of Tel Aviv, which virtually allows no one on Earth to forget about the true horrors of the Holocaust.

Anonymous ID: 25e48c Jan. 18, 2020, 3:04 p.m. No.7849188   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>sanctions on Russia over its annexation of Crimea in Ukraine

He can't be serious.

>its illegal annexation of Crimea

How about sanctioning Ubama for pulling an illegal military coup on Ukraine?


What happened in regard of Crimea was illegal according to the law of Ukraine, but that's irrelevant because that was broken already b/c of the military coup.