Anonymous ID: f4a083 Jan. 18, 2020, 2:54 p.m. No.7849110   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9122 >>9144 >>9201

keep praying for virginia.



>are we being set up

not quite sure… but a lot of us have PTSD from what habbened with Charlottesville and the way faknews is pumpin' it up is making some people nervous…


it would make sense ((they)) would want a traumatic event to habben the day before the Impeachment Hoax finale, because DJT wouldn't be able to master troll (the way he has most likely planned) if he is having to give condolences and prayer.


make sense?

how do they soften the knockout right hook that they know is headed their way?

they throw an event like Las Vegas at use and use our own emotions against us.


we are here for a reason, this is a great example of why.