Anonymous ID: 18889c Jan. 18, 2020, 4:53 p.m. No.7850053   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0072


Not all Catholics molest altar boys, but there's something endemic to the Catholic ideology and practices that allows that crime to keep happening.

Not all Muslim men beat their wives, but there's something endemic to the Muslim ideology and practices that allows that crime to keep happening.

Not all Masons support False Flags, but there's something endemic to the Masonic ideology and practices that allows that crime to keep happening.

Not all Jews usurp nations through deceit and usury, but there's something endemic to the Jewish ideology and practices that allows that crime to keep happening.


Most people don't have the stomach or tenacity to self-examine their own sect and the hypocrisy & criminality within them.

When hard truths are revealed, will you protect evil among you or fight for righteous justice?