Anonymous ID: 23c57d Jan. 18, 2020, 3:45 p.m. No.7849511   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0149 >>0174 >>0190 >>0213

“WINE” with Nader, Epstein & The Clintons


George Nader just plead guilty to child pornography charges, and his ‘statement of facts’ contains key information that resembles other child predator cases. Corey takes you through his plea deal and how it may connect to his other indictment for funneling over $3.5 million in foreign campaign funds to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign. She touches on other reports she’s done on Nader involving connections to numerous elites and key figures, leading into the Clintons and on to Jeffrey Epstein – with recent updates in his case – including just released photos by Dr. Michael Baden on Epstein’s eyes and lack of lividity in his lower limbs, which is precisely what Corey had previously pointed out in her report on Epstein’s death.


These folks travel in tight circles. See how this all weaves together. Watch the full video now.

Anonymous ID: 23c57d Jan. 18, 2020, 3:47 p.m. No.7849528   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9540 >>9604 >>9628 >>9637

Watch: The Fed's Evil Juggernaut



Juggernaut: (n) massive inexorable force, campaign, movement, or object that crushes whatever is in its path


The US Federal Reserve is once again force-feeding liquidity into the system. At its fastest rate ever.


The result? Record high stock prices whose valuations defy all logic.


What’s wrong with that? Shouldn’t we just enjoy the party and be grateful for our rising 401ks?


What’s wrong is that the Fed’s actions are dooming us. Their poisonous cocktail of endless cheap money and rock-bottom interest rates is hastening a terminal breakdown of the economy, while deliberately enriching a tiny cadre of elites to the ruin of everyone else.


Though most remain blind to this, Fed policy (and the similar ones pursued by the other major world central banks) is directly responsible for, or a major contributor to, many of the biggest challenges society is facing.


Tens of millions of Boomers who can’t afford to retire. Tens of millions of Millennials who can’t afford to purchase a home. History’s largest wealth gap between the 1% and everyone else. Relentless increases in the cost of living while real wages remain stagnant. Depletion and degradation of our key natural resources by zombie companies run without profits. We can thank the Fed for all of these ills, plus many more.


All we’re offered in return is the fake reassurance that “everything is awesome” because stocks are higher today than they were yesterday. As if that really makes a difference when the top 1% owns 50% of all stocks and the top 10% owns over 90%.


And when today’s epicly distorted markets reach their breaking point — which may be imminent given the truly manic action recently — not only will the resulting damage be commensurately epic, but it will injure the 99% FAR more than the 1% who benefitted from it.


Mass layoffs. Bankruptcies. Destroyed retirement portfolios and pensions. State and city budget crises. Higher taxes. More fees. Cancelled social services. Hollowed-out communities.


The Fed’s deliberate policy of privatized gains for the elite and socialized losses for the masses ensures that Joe Sixpack is going to take it in the shorts while Reginald Caviar-Maybach will still receive his record bonus from Goldman Sachs.


Which is why the video below is essential viewing for anyone not currently CEO of a too-big-to-fail bank or too busy counting their $billions.


We brought together several of the best monetary and macroeconomic minds to explain exactly what is transpiring and what concerned individuals like you should be preparing for.


Here’s our full 90-minute video WTF: What The Fed?!?, featuring Grant Williams, Mike Maloney, Charles Hugh Smith and Chris Martenson:


Understanding the nature of what is underway is critical. While the Fed’s liquidity juggernaut rolls on, it will continue to crush equality, opportunity and fairness for the masses. But once it stalls, the systemic crash and societal upheaval that will follow will be even more horrific for those not prepared for it.

Anonymous ID: 23c57d Jan. 18, 2020, 3:48 p.m. No.7849539   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0048


Monday VA 2nd Am protestors, be aware: Antifa may wear MAGA hats and use Trump signs to make themselves appear as Trump supporters as they stir up the crowd. Also, expect Soros funded groups attempting to cause unrest. The rest of America is with you!

Anonymous ID: 23c57d Jan. 18, 2020, 3:50 p.m. No.7849563   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Rap Superstar Akon Creates World’s First ‘Crypto City’ in Africa to Fight Controlled Economy


While many other rappers in the hip hop world use their spare time and money to pose for photos with large amounts of cash while degrading women, rap superstar, and Senegal transplant, Akon is using his fame and changing the world. In 2018, he began a solar investment program in Sierra Leone to bring thousands of solar powered lights and traffic lights to the people, which was successful. Now, he’s founding an entire ‘crypto city’ to help pull Africa’s economy out of poverty and corruption.


The city will be known as “Akon City” and will trade exclusively in his own digital cash currency called AKoin.


“I really want to make the biggest impact in Africa for sure,” Akon said during a previous interview with CNN. “If I could have my way, Africa would be the United States of Africa.”


And now he’s following through.


In less than one year, according to Akon Lighting Africa, a wide range of quality solar solutions, including street lamps, domestic and individual kits, have been installed in 14 African countries — thanks to a private-public partnership model and a well-established network of partners (including SOLEKTRA INT, SUMEC and NARI).


As a result, a number of households, villages, community houses, schools and health centers located in rural areas have been connected to electricity for the first time ever. Local jobs, primarily for young people, have also been created in these communities, for installation of equipment’s and for maintenance.


Now, they are moving on to build an entire sustainable city using the same drive.


Reports suggest that Akon City will be built in the seaside village of Mbodiene and is reportedly just five minutes from Senegal’s new international airport. Akon City is billed as an environmental campaign and sustainable tourism village. Last week, Akon also signed a “memorandum of understanding” with Senegal’s state-owned tourism company SAPCO, according to LadBible.


Akoin is expected to launch in July of this year. The building plans for the 2,000 acre city will take a little longer, however.


“It’s a 10-year building block so we’re doing it in stages. We started construction in March [2019] and stage two is going to be 2025,” Akon said in the course of an interview with Los Angeles rap radio station Power106. It comes with a price tag of $2 billion.


The new city will be “all renewable, the Akon-tainment solar city,” Akon told Power106.


A proponent of the blockchain, Akon will stave off the widespread corruption in Africa using the highly secure and decentralized means of security.


“I think that blockchain and crypto could be the savior for Africa in many ways because it brings the power back to the people,” he said on announcing his plans for Akon City. “Cryptocurrency and blockchain technology offer a more secure currency that enables people in Africa to advance themselves independent of the government.”

Anonymous ID: 23c57d Jan. 18, 2020, 4:39 p.m. No.7849919   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0190 >>0213

944 Trillion Reasons Why The Fed Is Quietly Bailing Out Hedge Funds


On Friday, Minneapolis Fed president Neel Kashkari, who just two months earlier made a stunning proposal when he said that it was time for the Fed to pick up where the USSR left off and start redistributing wealth (at least Kashkari chose the proper entity: since the Fed has launched central planning across US capital markets, it would also be proper in the banana republic that the US has become, that the same Fed also decides who gets how much and the entire free democracy/free enterprise/free market farce be skipped altogether) issued a challenge to "QE conspiracists" which apparently now also includes his FOMC colleague (and former Goldman Sachs co-worker), Robert Kaplan, in which he said "QE conspiracists can say this is all about balance sheet growth. Someone explain how swapping one short term risk free instrument (reserves) for another short term risk free instrument (t-bills) leads to equity repricing. I don’t see it."


To the delight of Kashkari, who this year gets to vote and decide the future of US monetary policy yet is completely unaware of how the plumbing underneath US capital markets actually works, we did so for his benefit on Friday, although we certainly did not have to: after all, the "central banks' central bank", the Bank for International Settlements, did a far better job than we ever could in its December 8 report, "September stress in dollar repo markets: passing or structural?", which explained not just why the September repo disaster took place on the supply side (i.e., the sudden, JPMorgan-mediated liquidity shortage at the "top 4" commercial banks which prevented them from lending into the rep o market)…

Anonymous ID: 23c57d Jan. 18, 2020, 4:47 p.m. No.7849996   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0064

‘We’ll shut your filthy mouth’: Putin says Russia will combat the rewriting of WWII history with new free-to-all archive center


Moscow is to create the most extensive collection of WWII documents, open to all persons anywhere, to once and for all “shut the filthy mouth” of those seeking to rewrite history for short-term gains, the Russian president said.


Any person, Russian or non-national, will be able to access the archive, including through a website resource, and the ultimate goal is to debunk any disinformation about the most devastating conflict in human history, President Vladimir Putin pledged, during a meeting with veterans of the Great Patriotic War, held in St. Petersburg on Saturday.


The creation of the center would leave no chance to those willing to distort the truth about the war for their own political needs, he argued.


We will shut the filthy mouth of some public figures abroad, who open theirs only to achieve short-term political goals. We will shut them up with reliable and fundamental facts.


The center is expected to incorporate the biggest and most extensive collection of documents, as well as photos and video footage dating back to the World War II era. The president first floated this idea during his annual state-of-the-nation address earlier this week, arguing that Russia should combat “brazen lies and attempts to distort history.”


In St. Petersburg, Putin also said that Moscow should follow the example of Tel Aviv, which virtually allows no one on Earth to forget about the true horrors of the Holocaust.


“Among the Holocaust victims, a large number were Soviet Jews,” he said, adding that “we should also not forget about the sacrifices of other Soviet peoples, the Russian people” who defended “their homeland and the whole world from the brown plague [of Nazism].”


Putin’s words come amid a row between Moscow and Warsaw over the events that led to the Second World War. Poland has been revising that devastating conflict’s history for quite some time, seeking to shun any responsibility relating to events during that period, while presenting itself as a victim of both Nazi and Soviet aggression and occupation.


Warsaw has been removing monuments to Soviet soldiers who died while liberating the city from Nazi Germany occupation, and also initiated an EU Parliament resolution in September, which claims that the 1939 non-aggression pact between Moscow and Berlin had “paved the way for the outbreak of the Second World War.”

Anonymous ID: 23c57d Jan. 18, 2020, 4:48 p.m. No.7850003   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0190 >>0213

Maduro Says He Controls Venezuela, Ready for Direct Negotiations With US


Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro made his first major interview with a US-based media outlet almost a year after he canceled a Univision recording in February 2019 and expelled its journalists from the Bolivarian republic.


Maduro, 57, vowed in the interview with The Washington Post high profits for US oil giants in Venezuela if the Trump Administration cancels its tough economic restrictions imposed earlier on Caracas and attempts to normalize relations between the two nations.


“If there’s respect between governments, no matter how big the United States is, and if there’s a dialogue, an exchange of truthful information, then be sure we can create a new type of relationship […] A relationship of respect and dialogue brings a win-win situation. A confrontational relationship brings a lose-lose situation. That’s the formula”, Maduro told The Washington Post.


Commenting on the political crisis that had hit Venezuela, Maduro denied suggestions of Western officials that his government offered Venezuelan opposition a deal including snap presidential election during talks brokered by Norway last year before they collapsed in last autumn.


The constitutionally-elected Venezuelan president Maduro said that he still willing to start talks with self-proclaimed interim president Juan Guaido but he seemed to dismiss the opposition’s key demand: That he exits in favor of a transitional government that would renovate the supreme court and national election councils to call new elections, according to The Washington Post.


“Guaidó is responsible for having lost the National Assembly […] He and his mistakes. Don’t blame me now. He’s the one that now has to answer to the United States”, Maduro said, cited by The Washington Post.


Maduro also dismissed a suggestion of Venezuela's alleged increased international isolation.


“Do you want me to tell you the truth? I don’t care even a little bit about what Europe does, or about what the US does. We do not care at all. We only care about what we do […] No matter how many thousand sanctions, they won’t stop us, or Venezuela”, Maduro said, referring to the Western-backed embargo against the Venezuelan energy sector, adding that Caracas has alliances with Havana and Moscow.


The Venezuelan president also dismissed earlier claims of the Trump administration that Russia's oil giant Rosneft was allegedly processing some 70 percent of Venezuela's crude, putting the approximate amount to almost 20 percent, according to The WaPo.


Maduro revealed in the interview that he had made several attempts to find a way to contact US President Donald Trump. The Washington Post broke the news earlier that Trump's lawyer Rudolph Giuliani was present during a phone call that Maduro had in late 2018 with then-US House representative Peter Sessions. Maduro said that he did not hear Giuliani’s voice but he knew that Giuliani was on the line.


“Of course at the moment, his closeness as Trump’s lawyer was clear […] We knew he would be able to get him the message. At this point I don’t know because of all that’s happening with Ukraine and the impeachment”, Maduro said, cited by The Washington Post.


Maduro also suggested that Trump is being misled by his aides, expressing puzzlement of why Trump has chosen North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un instead of him for talks.


“I believe Mike Pompeo has failed in Venezuela and is responsible for Donald Trump’s failure in his policy toward our country […] I think Pompeo lives in a fantasy. He’s not a man with his feet on earth. I think Trump has had terrible advisers on Venezuela. John Bolton, Mike Pompeo, Elliott Abrams have caused him to have a wrong vision”, Maduro said, cited by The Washington Post.


The Venezuelan president expressed, however readiness for talks with the opposition leader Guaido.


Maduro also addressed speculation on a possible complete naval blockade of Venezuela - a news that was broken last year by US media, citing sources within The Trump administration.


“I think that wouldn’t be good for anyone, least of all for the US […] It would create a lot of tension in the whole Caribbean and it would be bad for the interests of all the governments that are part of that community. I hope it doesn’t happen”, Maduro suggested.


In conclusion, the beleaguered president admitted that if talks with Washington were launched it would be complicated anyway to conduct free and fair elections.


“I think we have to think more about the big picture […] The relations in five, 10 years. The relations for the rest of the 21st century”, Maduro said, cited by The Washington Post.—report/

Anonymous ID: 23c57d Jan. 18, 2020, 4:49 p.m. No.7850022   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Fierce clashes erupt in Paris as Yellow Vests hit streets for 62nd consecutive weekend


At least 59 people have been arrested in Paris after scuffles broke out between Yellow Vests and police on Saturday. The protests have gained new momentum fueled by a nationwide strike against the pension reform.


Thousands of anti-government protesters flooded the streets of the French capital, Paris, on Saturday, chanting slogans to berate the sweeping social security system reforms initiated by the pro-business government of French President Emmanuel Macron.


The march led by Yellow Vests protesters in downtown Paris was marred by violence, and saw police using batons and tear gas on activists, who, in turn, hurled flyers.


Videos posted on social media show officers in full riot gear beating up protesters as they lay on the ground. The footage prompted activists to accuse police of using disproportionate force to quell the unrest.


Police said that they have made 59 arrests as of 8 p.m. local time, noting that officers had to “systematically intervene” to stop “abuses committed by violent groups.”


Yellow Vests have been taking to the French streets every weekend since November 2018. While at one moment the demonstrators saw their numbers dwindling, an ongoing nation-wide strike against pension reforms which kicked off in December has reinvigorated the protest movement.

Anonymous ID: 23c57d Jan. 18, 2020, 4:54 p.m. No.7850058   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0071

HBO hires ‘king of fake news’ Brian Stelter from CNN to produce documentary on… the dangers of fake news


If you were making a documentary on fake news and wanted to get journalists involved behind the scenes, there are a few people you may want to avoid. One of those is CNN host Brian Stelter.


The HBO network is rightly being mocked for putting Stelter – the host of a CNN show ironically named ‘Reliable Sources’ – on the team for an upcoming documentary on fake news.


According to Stelter himself, the documentary will investigate “disinformation and the cost of fake news.” The film, for which Stelter was executive producer, will dive into “how post-truth culture has become an increasingly dangerous part of the global information environment,” according to WarnerMedia.


To say Stelter’s involvement in the documentary attracted mockery online would be an understatement.


“This is like Harvey Weinstein doing a documentary on sexual assault,” lawyer and journalist Rogan O’Handley wrote.


“HBO has hired Brian Stelter to do a documentary on Fake News. That's like hiring Bernie Madoff to teach accounting. Like hiring Michael Moore to host a fashion show. Not to mention [Stelter] is the dullest human ever on television,” radio host Mark Simone added.