Anonymous ID: 6f93e1 Jan. 18, 2020, 4:17 p.m. No.7849751   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>7849017 (pb)

Don't know why @POTUS RT'd this but I just learned that Cary Grant was one very WOKE dude having been the first notable American to not only use LSD but actually embraced its psychologically therapeutic, consciousness expanding and spiritually uplifting qualities.


Grant began taking LSD in the late 1950s under the care of a psychiatrist whom Grant would meet with every Saturday over the course of two years or so. Grant believed that he took it around 100 times. It began to become the rage within a small circle of actors and actresses. Here is one quote from Grant about LSD who was very open about his therapy with it often encouraging other friends to try it under the care of therapist and not recreationally:


"“After weeks of treatment came a day when I saw the light,” he says in the film. “When I broke through, I felt an immeasurably beneficial cleansing of so many needless fears and guilts. I lost all the tension that I’d been crippling myself with. First I thought of all those wasted years. Second, I said, ‘Oh my God, the humanity. Please come in.’”


It's too bad that LSD lost its appeal as a therapeutic tool and became illegal once the CI_A began using it in its mind-control games.


I'm glad that LSD and other hallucinogenics are making a comeback for the treatment of tough to treat psychological trauma and other ailments. I remember reading that it has become a breakthrough agent to treat the very common and sad cases of PTSD walking wounded Vets.


But I doubt this is related to @POTUS' RT.

Anonymous ID: 6f93e1 Jan. 18, 2020, 4:32 p.m. No.7849856   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9866


nom nom nom nommmmm


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