Anonymous ID: 0da3b1 Jan. 18, 2020, 5:43 p.m. No.7850486   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0515 >>0536 >>0546 >>0588 >>0595 >>0636 >>0836 >>0905 >>0954 >>0974

This may be unrelated to Q, but I don't know where else to go. My son forgot to log out his computer and through him I have discovered a dark web of depravity run by antifa and other far left manipulators.


I have been worried about my adult son for a long time. He is perfectly healthy, but does not care for himself and will not get a job or move out. We have even offered him money to do this but he would not. Recently he left his computer open and I was shocked by what I found.


There is a website called "Discord" with online chat rooms. The chat room he left open is owned by several communists, antifa members, and a transsexual "self-help" hypnotist named Neverside Labs. These horrible people have created a cult designed to demoralize young men through sexual depravity and encourage their several hundred members to kiss toilets in their family homes, dress up as women, and masturbate to sexual images about poisoning, cheating spouses, children's cartoons, and even emojis. The hypnotist even encourages people to masturbate to socialist propaganda on youtube.


I am still recovering from the shock and horror of all this satanic garbage. I will talk to my son soon and send him to a good christian counselor, but I don't know what to do about these antifa monsters preying on our young people. Through some web searches I have found a link to their chat room at https:// discord. gg/s5QxpAY and if you know where I can go to take this down, please tell me. I have attached some pictures to this post as proof of their depravity.