Anonymous ID: 2a717f Jan. 18, 2020, 5:38 p.m. No.7850443   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0452 >>0479





Mebbe some military code.

Just spitballin with this:


Owners of Social Media and MSM


5 Nov 2017 - 8:53:46 PM

Social media platforms.

Top 10 shareholders of Facebook?

Top 10 shareholders of Twitter?

Top 10 shareholders of Reddit?

Why is SA relevant?


Controlling stakes in NBC/MSNBC?

Controlling stakes in ABC?

Controlling stakes in CBS?

Controlling stakes in CNN?

Investor(s) in Fox News?

Why is this relevant?

What is Operation Mockingbird?


Who is A Cooper?

What is A Cooper's background?

Why is this relevant?

Snow White.

Godfather III.



Anonymous ID: 2a717f Jan. 18, 2020, 6:08 p.m. No.7850747   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0772 >>0814 >>0867 >>0950


Davos 2020: World Economic Forum announces the theme


The World Economic Forum has announced the theme and details for its 50th Annual Meeting, to be held 21-24 January in Davos, Switzerland. The Meeting’s theme will be Stakeholders for a Cohesive and Sustainable World.

It will bring together 3,000 participants from around the world, and aim to give concrete meaning to “stakeholder capitalism”, assist governments and international institutions in tracking progress towards the Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals, and facilitate discussions on technology and trade governance.


“People are revolting against the economic ‘elites’ they believe have betrayed them, and our efforts to keep global warming limited to 1.5°C are falling dangerously short,” said Professor Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman at the World Economic Forum. “With the world at such critical crossroads, this year we must develop a ‘Davos Manifesto 2020’ to reimagine the purpose and scorecards for companies and governments. It is what the World Economic Forum was founded for 50 years ago, and it is what we want to contribute to for the next 50 years.”


Oh to be a fly on the wall…..or face

Anonymous ID: 2a717f Jan. 18, 2020, 6:15 p.m. No.7850814   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0859 >>0867 >>0950


Trump to attend annual economic forum in Davos, Switzerland


WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump plans to attend a global economic forum in Switzerland this month, making up for an appearance he canceled during last year’s record-long shutdown of the U.S. government.

The annual World Economic Forum, held in the popular ski resort of Davos, attracts wealthy, high-profile business and political figures, along with academics and other leaders of society.


Trump’s Jan. 21-22 appearance will mark his first time on the world stage since he authorized the U.S. military to kill Iran’s top military commander.

It will also be Trump’s first trip outside of the U.S. since becoming only the third American president to be impeached, and the first one to carry that mark into a reelection campaign.

Trump will address the gathering about two weeks before the first voting in the process that will determine his Democratic opponent in the November election.


The Democratic-controlled House impeached the Republican president on grounds of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress over his dealings with Ukraine. Trump awaits a trial in the majority Republican Senate, which is not expected to vote to remove him from office.

Trump insists he did nothing wrong in his dealings with Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskiy, and argues that the permanent blotch of impeachment is unwarranted for a president with his record on the economy and other issues.

He is expected to pitch that record later this month during his second appearance at the Davos forum.


Trump asserted in an address to the conference in 2018 that his agenda of putting America first can coexist with global cooperation.

The president cited a partial shutdown of the U.S. government when he pulled out of the 2019 forum, blaming Democratic lawmakers for what he said was their unwillingness to negotiate a resolution.

White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham confirmed Wednesday that Trump will be attending this year’s forum.


Swaths of the government were forced to cease operations for a record 35 days during a standoff between Trump and congressional Democrats over his demand for billions of dollars to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border.

Trump announced on New Year’s Day that Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin will lead a delegation to the economic forum from Jan. 20-24 that will include the secretaries of commerce, labor, and transportation and the U.S. trade representative.

Trump also named his daughter, Ivanka Trump, and her husband, Jared Kushner, both White House senior advisers, to the delegation.