Anonymous ID: 63113f Jan. 18, 2020, 5:19 p.m. No.7850274   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0283

>>7846708 (PB)

Nope. Not interested.


>>7849039 (PB)

Well, then, Poland should release ITS records to counter the Russian release.


Interesting cascade, eh?

>>7849035 (PB)

When I exhale warm air on a cold day, I notice that the vapor is absorbed into the dry air rather quickly. If the vapor trail doesn't lag a little, then disappear at about the same speed as the plane, it isn't a vapor trail.

>>7848902 (PB)

I watched that procession to the Senate from the House.

It looked for all the world like a perp walk. All that was missing were the manacles.

A momentary twinge of sympathy for the condemned was all I could conjure up. And then it was gone.