Anonymous ID: 7719ac Jan. 18, 2020, 5:31 p.m. No.7850370   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0507

Liberman to Regev: "I only greet humans"


Liberman made the comment when the pair crossed paths in the Channel 13 studios. Regev has denounced it as "offensive and humiliating."


Minister of Culture and Sports Miri Regev, and Yisrael Beyteinu leader Avigdor Liberman had a run-in on Saturday while at the studios of Channel 13.

The confrontation happened just after Liberman finished his interview with "Hamate Hamerkazi" show host Ayila Hason. Regev entered the studio to be interviewed following him.

When Hason told the both of them: "You don't have to say hello to each other," Regev answered that in fact she wished Liberman a good week, but he did not reply. Instead, Liberman answered: "I only greet humans."


In response, Regev posted on Twitter: "I was shocked by Liberman's bold, offensive and humiliating response towards me during the live broadcast with Ayila Hason. I met him tonight in the studio, wished him a good week, and he responded: "I only greet humans".

"Such a sexist and misogynistic response doesn't have a place in conversation between men and women, or anywhere. You can have disagreements, you can criticize, but no one has the right to act this way.

"Liberman has no moral compass and no basic respect between humans and I can't help but condemn such behavior. It would be a shame if this is the man who wants to bring unity to Israel"


Prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu also commented on the spat, writing on Twitter: "Liberman's behavior is inhumane and disrespectful. Unlike him, Miri Regev acted with politeness and honor. We are proud of her actions as the minister of culture and sports who broke the left's monopoly on culture and brought culture to the whole of Israel, and promoted Israeli sports around the world."

Anonymous ID: 7719ac Jan. 18, 2020, 6:02 p.m. No.7850685   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0968

Virginia State Senator Issues Warning Hours before Monday’s 2A Rally: “We Are Being Set Up”


Democrat Governor Blackface Northam is putting the squeeze on Virginia gun owners before Monday’s Second Amendment protest.


The map of the protest grounds was released and shows only one entrance for the thousands of Virginia protesters expected at the rally.


The group will be fenced in.

And the governor is ordering the 2A protesters to leave their guns at home — in an Open Carry State!

On Friday State Senator Amanda Chase issued a warning to those attending the Monday rally.

“We are being set up!”


Senator Chase wrote this on her Facebook page.


I want you to be aware of how we are being set up.


Does the Patriot Act ring a bell?


Does the National Defense Authorization Act ring a bell?


If people show up wearing any kind of uniform, patch or other symbol on their clothing signifying they belong to a militia and something goes wrong, you could/will be held as a domestic terrorist.


If anyone steps out of line, all it takes is one person, it may even be a government plant….if that plant does anything to disrupt the rally, you could/will be arrested as a domestic terrorist.


The Governor, using the media has already set the stage for this to happen.

He has already laid the groundwork to make the entire movement look like insurrection.


It will be used to put the rest of the nation on notice of what will happen to you, if you resist.


They have used the Southern Poverty Law Center over the last 15 years to lay the groundwork.


They have labeled us as potential domestic terrorist for a long time now.


Anyone who has ever related to the 3%er’s, a militia, or just belonged to any Patriot group…the groundwork has been laid to brand you as a domestic terrorist.


Western Journal has more on the warning:


A Virginia state senator has sounded a warning bell three days before a massive rally is set to coalesce in the commonwealth’s capital.


Conservative Sen. Amanda Chase of District 11 took to Facebook on Friday with a warning for every patriot who plans to attend the pro-Second Amendment rally Monday in Richmond.


Her warning came the same week that Democratic Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam issued an executive order temporarily banning firearms in the Capitol Square.


“Sadly, I am posting this, knowing that the Governor of Virginia has declared a State of Emergency in our state,” Chase wrote. “I want you to be aware of how we are being set up.”


“Does the Patriot Act ring a bell? Does the National Defense Authorization Act ring a bell?”