Anonymous ID: 94c5a6 Jan. 18, 2020, 6:24 p.m. No.7850890   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0910


10 10 10 30

attention paul nyt stock market

timeline since Election Day 2016

FACTS: apply sauce

'best yet to come' =

posting 3x gets attention

small mistakes plausible deniability

Q connection becoming more obvious as we approach END

harder and more obvious fake news if they don't cover

each situation exposes them more

kav, mueller, rr, andy, page, strzok, ohr, epstein

each of these is 2 sided

means 1 is lying

over and over same are lying = same are telling Truth

Ppl have brains and will soon see; already

nice work Anons