Been 'woke' for 20+ years. Have stayed out of anything 'controversial' and most anything to do with technology other than surfing the internet (I'm a handman/general contractor) because I don't want any more to do with the electronic web than I must. Love learning love the chan (found it a year ago now, was Q'd my first few days here) and have been following alt-news for many many years.
I agree w/ you about Q being light and hope. However, once you understand that this is the long game and that we are literally in biblical times- we are talking about an entrenched snake that has had literally thousands of years to grow and we're going to kill it in 7 years. We are only 3 years in so far, and look at what has happened. Revelations 12:3 fulfilled 9/22/17 and currently fulfilling Revelations 2:9 and 3:9. I look forward to seeing (them) bow down before us by 4/8/24.
Just remember that POTUS was 70 yrs 7 months 7 days when he was inaugurated and his grandmother died on 6/6/66.
Bible talks about the Land of the North being the safe place in the Tribulation… I believe that we will show the world what it means as a nation to return to God.