Anonymous ID: 0c3aad Jan. 18, 2020, 8:36 p.m. No.7852152   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2205

Attention VA fags going to rally


I've read up on the provacateurs that whoever likes to insert into these kinds of demonstrations to provoke some kind of violent reaction from the authorities and the ensuing media shit storm.


If you go to the rally, take note of what kind of boots the cops are wearing, and check the boots/shoes of the people you see around you. If any of the boots match, take note of who and maybe take a pic for posterity. From what I understand, plenty of provacateurs have been singled out and neutralized bc of their footwear matching the cops'.


I hope this helps, you're fighting the good fight and know that millions of anons are watching and cheering for you to shut down the creeping tyranny in VA!