Anonymous ID: 1737e4 Jan. 18, 2020, 8:14 p.m. No.7851956   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1974 >>2084 >>2097 >>2187 >>2251 >>2417 >>2479 >>2509 >>2513

during her interview to night with Judge Jeanine Perro,


Kellyanne Conway announced POTUS is going to Davos, which is Jan 20- 24

This is new as before he had only announced he would send a delegation.

Presidential Delegation to Switzerland to attend the World Economic Forum

Issued on: January 1, 2020

@KellyannePolls twat


  • two trade deals in a week

  • nearly 200 federal judges

  • China to buy $200 billion in US goods/services

  • USMCA = 176K new jobs

  • stock market, wage growth & employment records

  • dead terrorists

  • USA exporting nat gas & oil🇺🇸


@JudgeJeanine twat has 6-minute KAC interview with her "announcement of POTUS going to Davos"


“History will not look kindly on the instigators.” - @KellyannePolls

joins me to discuss the impeachment charade.

Anonymous ID: 1737e4 Jan. 18, 2020, 8:28 p.m. No.7852084   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2265


>interview to night with Judge Jeanine Perro,

> Kellyanne Conway announced POTUS is going to Davos, which is Jan 20- 24


So, it might not be fresh news that POTUS is going to Davos for the 23rd; but, there has been no official White House announcement posted that I could find.


Here is the FoxNews YouTube link to the clip in the twat.

Kellyanne Conway argues impeachment articles are constitutionally invalid

Anonymous ID: 1737e4 Jan. 18, 2020, 9:22 p.m. No.7852424   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Get some rest.


Those [good] who know cannot sleep.


<Past drops important to frame context.

<These people need to ALL be ELIMINATED.

<Those who know cannot sleep.
