Anonymous ID: 29586a Jan. 18, 2020, 9:13 p.m. No.7852363   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2413


The fuck are you talking about?

There are no people on Saturn.

The Earth used to orbit Saturn, tho.

There were people on Earth back then.

Back when there was one main landmass

Call it Atlantis. Or Pangaea. Or whatever.

But it was the MOON that broke that apart


Never mind


Anonymous ID: 29586a Jan. 18, 2020, 9:27 p.m. No.7852447   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>The real reason you don't hear from Chevy Chase anymore

Because anyone who ever worked with him will tell you he's an asshole. Also, he's not really funny at all. Especially after one becomes aware of his shitty, entitled personality


On top of that, he gained a decent amount of weight. But still has seen plenty of work in the last decade, whether or not you or I or anyone else cares. My point is, he still sucks dick in the business to get paid millions for doing shit-teir work. And probably will continue to do so right up until his sorry excuse for a life is over.


And in the meantime, all us lowly pond scum will have to continue to scrape by, sacrificing our future generations, so we can "entertain" ourselves watching the shit production from hollywood fucktards, whom are glorified by the sleeping masses, for brainwashing us into an absolute fucking stupor, so that dick-fucks like Chevy can continue to make millions being the biggest pieces of shit on this goddam planet