Anonymous ID: 51dd5c Jan. 18, 2020, 8:10 p.m. No.7851914   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1927 >>1932 >>1978 >>2045 >>2086 >>2088

So guys honest opinions on this.


I'm starting to think that all of the grifters are speaking don't go to Virginia, it's going to be Charlottesville 2.0 etc. And I mean all of the alternative media is talking this, more than usual.


I also don't buy this whole argument of "If you go you'll be branded a gun toting domestic terrorists"


This is a weak argument in my opinion. As soon as the shots start firing, we're all going to already know we're not real terrorists, and we all know we're "We the People".


This whole thing sounds like fear porn to me to prevent you from showing up in Virginia. They are genuinely scared for their lives right now, just look at the FAA airspace they just banned there, calling out the National Guardsmen, etc.


I think they really believe a lot of us are going to show up. Even the Senator is seeding the fear porn ahead of time.


What if this isn't a Charlottesville 2.0 event? What if this is a real opportunity to take back liberties and abolish government and we pass it up?


Opinions? I need to get a feel on what others are thinking.



Anonymous ID: 51dd5c Jan. 18, 2020, 8:25 p.m. No.7852064   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2113


>So - who benefits from low turnout?

In my opinion the Deep State does because now that they know they called our bluff and it worked, they will try this on multiple fronts in many other states, further entrenching good honest Americans into that abyss with no freedoms or ability to stop them. Gun removal is the line in the sand.


>Who benefits from high turnout and no violence?

Deep State still does because no violence was taken place, They know people will show up like the yellow vests do in France for the 62nd week and what have they accomplished? If they know Americans are the same way, they will just push forward and institute Gun Removal.


If this is not the line in the sand, where is it? After they've taken and reduced our magazine sizes, limit the types of arms we can own? It will be too late by then.


I don't think we can afford to let this happen to be honest.


If we go to Virginia, we need to go with as little violence as possible, storm the Virginia capital as peacefully as possible and install new government there. Use guns only as a last resort.


Now there is the whole Antifa wrench, they will bring guns and possibly shoot people to get everyone else fired up and cause a massive shit storm. This is a possibility and a trap we don't want to spring. I'm not sure what the answer is, but I know if the media touts Americans as domestic terrorists for defending our 2nd Amendment rights, that's going to ignite an even larger storm than what is occurring in Virginia across the whole country, and maybe that is what Trump and Q are hoping for.