Anonymous ID: 58a8e9 Jan. 18, 2020, 8:18 p.m. No.7851991   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2005

>>7850003 (pb) Maduro is disingenuous. To say he does not care what Europe or the US do is an outright obvious lie. Silly bluster, not delivered well either. At the same time, he brazenly dangles the carrot of oil profits. This is a total failure who has been propped up by the Chinese & Russians, or he would have been run out of VE long ago. He is a communist, which says it all. Lie about everything and try to bluff your way through. No real plans, except to strive to keep the so called revolution alive for a bit more, while he and his gangsters live large on the back of the nation they brought low. My conclusion is that he is actually pretty desperate, or he would not have said these things. Keep up the pressure, Mr. President, and maybe we can soon have the 3 commie amigos in Mexico. Obrador, Morales, & Maduro. Add….I personally don't give a hoot about Guaido, who is consistently unimpressive, and a weak horse to keep backing unless he is a last resort.