Anonymous ID: 63d3a0 Jan. 18, 2020, 9:29 p.m. No.7852460   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2473 >>2499



previous notable?


If not, it should be…


We have witnessed the rise of the ”New World Order” an evil empire seeking to enslave us all.


This was their plan:

The Toronto Protocols.


Here is thus the detailed manner by which we shall proceed before 1998 to pave the road to the birth of our “World Government”.

Anonymous ID: 63d3a0 Jan. 18, 2020, 9:37 p.m. No.7852499   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Lengthy but, here is the flavor…


1 – To multiply tenfold the “Society of the Leisure activities” which we have been so profitiable to date. By serving to us as the invention of “Video” that we financed, and games which are connected with it, end up corrupting the morality of the youth. Let us offer him the possibility of satisfying now all his instincts. A being possessed by his senses and a slave of these, we know it, has neither ideal, nor internal strength to defend whatever it is. He is a “Individualist” by nature, and represents a perfect candidate whom we can model easily according to our desires and our priorities. Moreover, remember yourselves with which ease our predecessors were able to direct all the German youth at the beginning of the century by means of the disenchantment of the latter!

2 – Encourage the “Student Contesting” for all the causes connected with the “Ecology”. The compulsory protection of the latter will be a main advantage when we shall have urged Nation States to exchange their “Internal Debt” for the loss of 33 % of all their territories been left to the wild state.

3 – Filling in the interior vacum of this youth by initiating him, from very young sound age, to the universe of Computers. Using that for the educational system. A slave in the service of another slave than we control.

4 – On another plan, establishing “International Free Trade” as being a priority absolved for the economic survival of Nation States. This new economic conception will help us to accelerate the decline of the “Nationalists” of all the Nations; to isolate them in diverse factions, and at the deliberate moment, to set them wildly some to the others in civil wars which will finish ruining these Nations.

5 – To assure us at all costs of the success of such an enterprise making sure that our Agents already infiltrated in the Ministries of Intergovernmental Affairs and Immigration of Nation States make indepth modifications to the Laws of these Ministries. These modifications will essentially aim at opening the doors of the western countries to a more and more massive immigration inside their borders (immigrations which we shall moreover have provoked by

having taking care of touching off, here and there, new local conflicts). By well orchestrated press campaigns in the public opinion of Nation States targeted, we shall provoke among them a significant refugees’ influx which will have the effect, to destabilize their internal economy, and to make increase the racial tensions inside their territory. We shall see to make so that groups of foreign extremists made part of these immigrants’ influxes; That will facilitate the destabilization.

6 – This “Free Trade” which, in reality, is not because it is already controlled by us all at the top of the economic hierarchy, infiltrating it by the “Tri-Lateral Commission”: [that of Asia, America and Europe]. It will bring us the discord inside Nation States by the increase of the unemployment connected with the restructurings of our Multinationals.

7 – Shifting slowly, but certainly, our multinationals acquired in new countries to the idea of “the Market economy”, such as the Eastern European countries, in Russia and in China for example. We do not care much, at the moment, if their population represents or not a vast pool of new consumers. What interests us, is to have access, first of all, to a “Workforce-Slave” (cheap and non-union) which these countries and those of the Third World are offering us. Moreover, are not their governments set up by us? Do they not rely on foreign aid, and in the loans from our “International Monetary Fund” and our “World Bank”? These transfers offer several advantages for us. They contribute to maintain these new populations in the illusion of a “Economic Liberation”, a “Political Freedom” while in reality, we shall dominate them by the appetite of the earnings and a debt which they can never settle. As for the Western populations, they shall be maintained in the dream of [Economic Well Being] because the products imported from these countries do not suffer any price increase. By contrast, without them being aware at first, more and more industries will be obliged to close their doors because of the transfers that we will have conducted outside of the Western countries. These closures will increase unemployment, and will bring major losses in revenue for the Nation States.

8 – So we shall set up a “Global Economy” at the world level which will escape totally the control of Nation States. This new economy will be over everything; no political or labor-union pressure can have power over it. It will dictate its own “Global Politics”, and will force a political reorganization, but according to our priorities at the world level