Anonymous ID: 98ee9c Jan. 18, 2020, 9:29 p.m. No.7852465   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2483 >>2491


>What's even better…..worse…..pick one…..guess one of the ingredients for 'Natural Flavoring'. The anal scent gland of the North American Beaver. They use the musk from the anal scent gland.


Beaver castoreum is good stuff, I buy it from an apothecary on Etsy.


Rarely used in commercial products nowadays, replaced by cheaper artificial flavorings and scents derived from questionable sources (oil, tar, fetus) but I would pick natural over artificial every time.


> The question I had was how in the hell do you come up with that as an option in the first place?

Easy, you catch a whiff of a beaver’s butt juice and realize it smells good, not too inconceivable.


What I find more mystifying is the origin story of Ambergris… (whale vomit, used in perfume).