Anonymous ID: 9cde0e Jan. 18, 2020, 8:10 p.m. No.7851922   🗄️.is 🔗kun




>Concur on the nom for Notable


But what oughta be Notable is that almost every rub-n-tug Asian "spa" in cities/towns is a human trafficking outlet


And so are many of the markets.

Anonymous ID: 9cde0e Jan. 18, 2020, 8:28 p.m. No.7852088   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Some parts of the media are pushing a false flag, and in fact there is likely something truthful about that. Antifa surely isn't disavowing it.


That is an exercise in suppression; keep you away, or make you afraid.


On the Patriot side, there are plenty of people who I am sure will show up - and probably unarmed, which will likely put them at some disadvantage. All to be in what could be put in fear-monger's terms as a "kill box".


Some of those who show up will be stupid hotheads, some reasonable. And then there are the watchers…both sides will have them, watching to see who can be singled out of the herd like a weak newborn, and damaged.


If you go, strength in numbers. Know each other (in large groups), have a plan to exit a dangerous area TOGETHER, and if it is merely intimidating be able to maintain tight group integrity.


Prolly best to have bear spray, too.


And multiple fully charged phones/go-pros.


If you go, NEVER separate. Watch your 360 and keep the weaker members (elderly, females, etc) towards the inner part of the unit.


Follow the law, make friendly contact with law enforcement early and try to maintain that positive every time they are nearby. Cheer 'em, even. Watch to see which LEO's steer clear and which ones acknowledge the appreciation. If the local cops are nice but the state police are "meh" towards you, then trust the local cops if shit goes down.


Stay non-violent, but stay big enough that no one wants to fuck with you.


And for fuck's sake, stay near a fuckin' exit.