you know when a dog wanders
around teh neighborhood pooping
and tinkling hither and yon, steps
are invariably begun to ascertain
the party ("owner") responsible for the dog.
who owns the MSM and who walks it, daily?
you know when a dog wanders
around teh neighborhood pooping
and tinkling hither and yon, steps
are invariably begun to ascertain
the party ("owner") responsible for the dog.
who owns the MSM and who walks it, daily?
what do you know about allegations of
child abuse, child trafficking, rape, murder,
involving the EIIR directly?
that adrenochrome is (or was, for 1.5 billion USD per lb weight) routinely crossing the US canadian border in container trucks, allegations about Canadian involvement in 911,
> win hands down country-wide…with absolute loyalty to the Queen
this requires non-stop lies by all, total manipulation across the board, an IQ of a plant, and ought to
result in an immediate declaration of war
the date on that post anon is 315
a date with significance ancient and most modern
that has been posted about with HUNDREDS of images since the board opened.
one of the issues with Q is the multi-layering in each drop or area of interest and this also
includes temporal layering
think dependency network planning
if each post can be seen as a single
core node around which subsidiary nodes orbit, to reduce the core node absolutely may require severing all ties between the ORBITING nodes
sequentially…I'm actually thinking of something like "punctuated equilibrium" here
the clock is ticking
what if the clock…well…its helped me to try to understand by thinking of the clock as if it were one of those timer clocks you can buy to turn lights etc on and off when you are absent?
each post (clock) contains a number of triggers (little colored pegs) that can make things very binary on/off, 1/0….
pic related.
I dont know. this is all speculation of course.
nice post
yes I saw this last night but I was digging and
posting about (pic related, first image). i agree it really needs looking at.
i think you'll be annoyed about pics two through five though.
> featuring a recorded message with Bob Odenkirk showing off a fake British accent.
>Hello! You've reached the law office of James M McGill esquire, a lawyer you can trust. Kindly leave your information at the tone and Mr McGill will phone you promptly.
that's not what I heard. i hear "Hello you have reached Saul Goodman, looking for phones, well I have a surprise for you…leave a message after the beep I'll get back to you before you sleep." With non-descript American accent.
Also 1-505-842-5662 shows Albert Quirky New Mexico.