Anonymous ID: 8018e8 Jan. 19, 2020, 6:56 a.m. No.7854187   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4195 >>4204 >>4226 >>4238 >>4258 >>4261 >>4266 >>4326 >>4372 >>4373 >>4616 >>4702

Anons….been wracking my brain since this whole 'Harry and Yacht Whore' thing on them leaving the Royal Family….I mean really, who gives up free money and titles like that…well NO ONE.


So, I think I figured it out. They're moving to Canada…where our hero Trudy is running the show - but, and here's the big but…everyone knows something is hinky with elections in Canada - as Trudy won the election basically because he got downtown Toronto to vote for him and the rest of the country went conservative…so it's pretty obviously hinky to anyone with a brain in their heads.


With UN agenda 2030 and 21 in the works here as the goals (and they're being fastracked hard here) they're going to need to win the next election 'legitimately'….


SO…guess who could take over the libtards in Canada and take an easy win over most of the country…EX-PRINCE HARRY.


A royal wouldn't be allowed to run here for PM…but an ex-royal (and a popular one too) would win hands down country-wide…with absolute loyalty to the Queen…allowing the continuation of the agenda and creating a safe space for their allies.



Anonymous ID: 8018e8 Jan. 19, 2020, 7:17 a.m. No.7854288   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4294 >>4314 >>4460


Here in Canada there are basically 5 corps that own everything - actually the people that own those 5 corps -

SNC Lavalin

Power Corporation



..cant remember the last one (there could be more)

This guy has done a lot of research on the corruption here:


Canada, I believe, is a major center piece in the corruption worldwide. There are no real political parties here as they all get contributions from the same people running those corporations above. The whole country is bought and paid for by the 'elite' here. Never mind the George Soros and Aga Khan influence in this country.

Canada is fucked.

Anonymous ID: 8018e8 Jan. 19, 2020, 7:38 a.m. No.7854371   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Sorry, you're a retard but nice try trying to peg me into your basement dweller pedestal.


and my theory is much more plausible than all that below. It's a good theory 'they' posted but too many moving parts.


Mind you, my theory could be shit too.