Anonymous ID: 9bdb72 Jan. 19, 2020, 7:22 a.m. No.7854310   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4315 >>4318 >>4321 >>4345 >>4352 >>4503 >>4640 >>4773 >>4819





Memefarmer update


Have been IRL organizing a ton of family photos after Dad's death. Significant work still to do there. Have had to ignore 8kun for a couple of days. Memes posted in General breads past few days may not have gotten harvested. Can anons help out? File your great memes in Memes51, then when full in Memes52.


Meme farming tasks (in no particular order) – these are things Memefarmer will work on, time permitting. Other memefags are invited to do the same, if time arises between the daily making of memes relating to the day-to-day happenings.


  1. Collect memes from General breads and post them in Memes51. Fill the bread. When Memes51 is full, start posting them here in Memes52.


  1. #Landslide2020 – We are the majority – let them know


  1. Trump record breaking results 1st three years in office


  1. President Donald J. Trump Is Committed to Modernizing Environmental Policies and Paving the Way for Vital Infrastructure Improvements


  1. President Donald J. Trump is Safeguarding the Right to Religious Freedom for Students and Organizations


  1. President Donald J. Trump is Signing a Landmark Phase One Trade Agreement with China