We the People can stop it, but we going to have to fight to stop it.
Sitting behind a keyboard calling yourself a digital warrior is bullshit.
We need REAL men and women to stand up when the time comes, and fight.
We the People can stop it, but we going to have to fight to stop it.
Sitting behind a keyboard calling yourself a digital warrior is bullshit.
We need REAL men and women to stand up when the time comes, and fight.
'Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny.'
To compel a man to furnish funds for the propagation of ideas he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.
Thomas Jefferson
Calling out the remainder as RINO's.
…and here be Sargon in the mid 1960's. KEK!
So the demoncraps are going to use Roberts to guide the trial in the direction the demoncraps want.
Then why does the federal government have a posting known as 'Secretary of Education'?
Think before you spout shit.
YOUR statement of, 'the federal government is not responsible for your local public schools.', is the remark at hand…doesn't fucking matter what YOUR on about, you still don't know shit and proved it to the world.
So fuck off shill.
>>>7854268 On This Day in History: "First Blood" of the American Revolution shed
Ironic that tomorrow may be a repeat.
1 year and 1 day.
I guess connection here is slow today, I did click it to check and it didn't do anything.
I can tell it should by the file size.
Had to open it in another tab, but it worked. Thanks!
Jetstream doesn't flow the direction that shows.