Anonymous ID: f82982 Jan. 19, 2020, 7:41 a.m. No.7854388   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

The Senate Trial, a non-lawfag's qrd attempting to lawspeak it and if correct on that, opine on the process/plan


currently the in the beginning phase. The 'vote to acquit' without a trial is a motion to dismiss. the motion to dismiss argues application to the law not facts of the case, thus the vote is whether, if factual, the withholding money for a favor constitutes 'abuse of power' and 'abuse of power' constitutes impeachment

during this phase, if this gets acquitted, then the court of public opinion remains unchanged. both sides have their same talking points going into the election. nothing burger and media circus, everyone stays pawns to the media and court of public opinion.


so the trial needs to proceed, based on Q, based on the 'plan' to get the dark shit to the light via court rather than the same old investigatvie journalism turning into 'already debunked consipracy theories'


that's about it for now, take it one phase at a timeโ€ฆ but to ponder for the next phase, the trial and the witnesses and evidence needs to stay on topic, abuse of power re withholding funds for favors

one thing argued would be precedent, witnesses and evidence regarding precedent is generous to ponder