Anonymous ID: 305a51 Jan. 24, 2020, 7:03 a.m. No.7898723   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Rudy Giuliani Mocks Fox News' Judge Napolitano for Being 'Bitter' at Trump


President Donald Trump's personal attorney Rudy Giuliani echoed his client's criticisms of Fox News senior judicial analyst Andrew Napolitano Thursday, claiming the former judge is "bitter" Trump never gave him a U.S. Supreme Court appointment years ago.


Giuliani, the former Republican mayor of New York City, quote tweeted an odd video reply from an unnamed pro-Trump Twitter account appearing to deride Napolitano for giving any legitimacy to Trump impeachment claims arising from special counsel Robert Mueller's report.


Last month, former New Jersey Superior Court Judge Napolitano refuted Trump's claim he only became "hostile" toward the president on Fox News after he allegedly asked—and was denied—an appointment to the Supreme Court.


There’s something wrong with Napolitano and his now bitter attitude @realDonaldTrump. Maybe he never understood why POTUS didn’t appoint him to Supreme Court. He’s too smart to confuse communications with conspiracy.


President Trump: "Ever since Andrew came to my office to ask that I appoint him to the U.S. Supreme Court, and I said NO, he has been very hostile! Also asked for pardon for his friend. A good “pal” of low ratings Shepard Smith."

Anonymous ID: 305a51 Jan. 29, 2020, 8:33 a.m. No.7954500   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Replace them with TRUE CONSERVATIVES!




26 GOP Senators, 97 House Republicans Ask for More Foreign Workers to Fill U.S. Jobs

Anonymous ID: 305a51 Feb. 3, 2020, 6:36 p.m. No.8016774   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6834 >>6949

Are both the Coronavirus & HIV Man Made Weaponized Viruses /Bio-Weapons?


Who Funds the Lancet…Bill Gates, WHO & UK's CDC


Was HIV Epidemic, also MAN MADE?

Since the Visna virus ( fatal disease in sheep but does not infect humans) was already well known, Segal continues, the problem was to find a….


human retrovirus that would enable it to infect humans.


Scrutiny of the technical literature, Segal says, reveals that Dr. Robert Gallo isolated such a virus, HTLV-I, by 1975, though it was not given this name until later.****


Who FUNDS "The Lancet", why Bill & Linda Gates Foundation, the World Health Organization WHO, UK's CDC, etc.


The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.


Previous Coronavirus Contains "HIV Insertions" Theory" Paper Officially Withdrawn!



And Now the CDC's or Lancets New Non-Bioweapon/Non-Weaponized Virus version…


BEWARE NOTE: Who Funds The Lancet…..WHO (World Health Organization), Bill & Linda Gates Foundation


Though only a few cases of the actual virus are detected the world PANDEMIC is used often and easily.


In 2006 we had the SARS virus where a drastically small number of people had died, but major cities like Toronto were shut down and kicked off the annual flu scare/hype/profit season.



in 2007 we had the Bird Flu Scare

in 2008, the Swine Flu scare which morphed into the 2009 H1N1 scare

followed by the 2010 HPV vaccines for girls or else they would get cancer, and now boys being included

followed by the 2011 Whooping Cough scare affecting teenagers with mandatory vaccinations

followed by 2012 law where children can get vaccinated without parental knowledge or permission in CA (source),

…and now we are being told that the H1N1…is back.


As you can read below, Bill Gates had called for a "Decade of Vaccination" campaign is funding billions to research into the aerial spraying of "hard to reach rural areas" for delivery of vaccinations. WTF is going on?

Anonymous ID: 305a51 Feb. 3, 2020, 6:41 p.m. No.8016834   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6949



Dr. Sanjay Gupta interviewed Gates in 2011, where ole Bill shares his giddy enthusiasm about how vaccines can help with population control. And, as expected, he debunks any link whatsoever with vaccines and autism.


–Canadian Doctor. H1N1 Vaccination: A Eugenics Weapon for “Massive and Targeted Reduction of the World Population.”

–Why Do the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Own a Patent on Ebola “Invention?”.

–Unproven Ebola Drugs Are Ethical to Use in Outbreak: Per World Health Organization (WHO)

–Clinical trial to start soon on GSK Ebola vaccine…linked to Bill Gates (GlaxoSmithKline has licensed a tuberculosis vaccine to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation)

–Bill Gates. Monsanto in bed with DOD over Ebola can't be good (Obama Administration time frame)

–Vaccine Companies have immunity from prosecution (ironic)

–Globalists like WHO, United Nations & EU….etc involved with huge push of Vaccines

–The two American Ebola patients, medical missionaries Nancy Writebol and Dr. Kent Brantly, have walked out of Emory University Hospital in Atlanta infection-free. They were the first human beings to receive an experimental drug (not a vaccine) called ZMapp…connections to Fort Detrick .Aug 21, 2014

–Is the Ebola virus in America a real threat or another false flag?

–The Ebola Virus Pandemic: “A Weapon of Mass Destruction”?

–West Africa: What are US Biological Warfare Researchers Doing in the Ebola Zone?

–American scientists controversially recreate deadly Spanish Flu virus.

–Sars Research Lab Loses 2,000 Tubes of Killer Virus.

–Bill Gates Dodges Questions on Why He Owns 500,000 Shares of Monsanto.

–At least 50 African children paralyzed after receiving Bill Gates-backed meningitis vaccine

–Canadian Doctor. H1N1 Vaccination: A Eugenics Weapon for “Massive and Targeted Reduction of the World Population.”


Vaccine Companies have immunity from prosecution (How Ironic!)


Remember The Infamous 2014 "Ebola Epidemic" "The Ebola Global Panidemic" or was it "The Great Ebola Hoax", "The Great Ebola Lie", "Ebola Bio-weapon manufactured virus & cure" aka "Ebola Gate":

The two American Ebola patients, medical missionaries Nancy Writebol and Dr. Kent Brantly, have walked out of Emory University Hospital in Atlanta infection-free. They were the first human beings to receive an experimental drug called ZMapp. Aug 21, 2014

Anonymous ID: 305a51 Feb. 3, 2020, 6:45 p.m. No.8016880   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Trump to deliver SOTU in scuba gear to avoid drowning in Liberal Tears!


Good one! Kek! Thanks to the Anon who posted this one!

Anonymous ID: 305a51 Feb. 3, 2020, 6:51 p.m. No.8016949   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Remember The Infamous 2014 "Ebola Epidemic" "The Ebola Global Panidemic" or was it "The Great Ebola Hoax", "The Great Ebola Lie", "Ebola Bio-weapon manufactured virus & cure" aka "Ebola Gate":


An experimental drug called ZMapp. NOT A VACCINE!


The two American Ebola patients, medical missionaries Nancy Writebol and Dr. Kent Brantly, have walked out of Emory University Hospital in Atlanta infection-free. They were the first human beings to receive an experimental drug called ZMapp. NOT A VACCINE! Aug 21, 2014>>8016834

Anonymous ID: 305a51 Feb. 6, 2020, 1:24 a.m. No.8047024   🗄️.is 🔗kun

