Anonymous ID: f02471 Jan. 19, 2020, 10 a.m. No.7855191   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5211

LOL. Sunday news programs showing video of Lindsey Graham said he's going to vote against having the witnesses Chuck Schumer's calling for.


Then those TV news programs are showing a video of Pencil-Neck Schiff condescending smirking response: 'If witnesses are not called in the Senate it will be the ONLY Impeachment trial ever conducted without witnesses.


Dumb deviate wacko forgets he had 19 witnesses in the House impeachment sham investigation. It was THOSE WITNESSES which provided enough evidence, iron-clad evidence they say, to IMPEACH President Trump


There were witnesses in this impeachment. Pencil Neck can freely bring them to the Senate to assist him in his prosecution arguments against President Trump. He has that authority, he needs no Senate approval for that.