tyvm baker!
only 14 mins into first time watching They Live and WOW this is excellent, tanks to the Anon lb who posted the link. I will repost in case anyone else wants in on the movie day action. https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2loe22
tyvm baker!
only 14 mins into first time watching They Live and WOW this is excellent, tanks to the Anon lb who posted the link. I will repost in case anyone else wants in on the movie day action. https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2loe22
this is the best movie i have ever seen in my life. finally got to the part where he gets the glasses, and its DOPE!!!
…..AND hes got guns now. KEK >>7855943
another good reason is that is can be used for blackmail against the US
They Live memes pls? i know im late to the party, but ty in advance if anyone has some dank ones handy. will use on twatter