so if the evidence of patriots self defense, then why does Qintel never lift a finger to get patriots off with documented proof that they acted in self defense?
you can stand up for your rights, only in certain parts of the country.
If i stood, my wife would lose her job, I would be jailed (can't sit idly by while women and elderly are attacked, or men sucker punched and ganged up on)?
the dissent and Questions of Q stem from this inability for Q/government/Trump to stand up for individuals who supported them.
could also explain why MSM gets away with lies and FF because the good guys never make a stand.
when they do stand, it is for more government more time more money more process, but never deliverable for patriotic and fair justice.
just look at the division for VA2A, confusion and self interpretation is all abound, they have patriots divided, Q continues to ask you to sit down and not to be seen. Feeds MSM narrative that we are the smallest most despicable part of society.